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Snowthrower 36in 1989 06-36SL01 200 TIPL SN.pdf

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IPL from Toro master Parts Viewer
7 pages 378.70KB

Fits 208-4, 208-4SB, 211-4, 211-5SB, 212-5 and 212-H


Drive belt 115192 (HA x 127.0" or 1/2" x 127")

Snowthrower 1989 36in model 06-36SL01

1989 serial numbers that have shown up for the 06-36SL01
0050020 - Build date 1988 8231 August 18 Thursday

0050417 - Build date 1988 8236 August 23 Tuesday
0050517 - Build date 1988 8237 August 24 Wednesday
0050742 - Build date 1988 8238 August 25 Thursday

0050841 - Build date 1988 8239 August 26 Friday
0050895 - Build date 1988 8239 August 26 Friday

0050904 - Build date 1988 8239 August 26 Friday


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