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Snowthrower 32in 1969-1973 6-3251 VS LR TIPL SN.pdf

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IPL from Toro Master Parts Viewer
2 pages 173.83KB

Fits Lawn Ranger with vertical shaft engine


Drive belt 100129 (5L x 50" or 5/8" x 50')

Snowthrower 1969 32in model 6-3251
1969 serial numbers that have shown up for the 6-3251

Snowthrower 1970 32in model 6-3251
1970 serial numbers that have shown up for the 6-3251
673381 - May be a 1971 model

Snowthrower 1971 32in model 6-3251 (Model number on tag would be 6-3251-6)
1971 serial numbers that have shown up for the 6-3251

Snowthrower 1972 32in model 6-3251
1972 serial numbers that have shown up for the 6-3251 (Model number on tag would be 6-3251-7)

Snowthrower 1973 32in model 6-3251
1973 serial numbers that have shown up for the 6-3251
0915389 - Model 6-3251-8

0915415 - Model 6-3251-8

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