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315 files

  1. Free

    Tractor 1985 Model list 22 & Attachments.pdf

    1985 Matches Found: 21+1=22
    The file of this page is not up to date.
    Attachment list
    4 pages 103KB pdf
    XXXX A- 85 5-Speed Rear Engine Rider model 33-08BP01 - 1985 model @ Toro but should be 1984
    XXXX A-115 5-Speed Rear Engine Rider model 33-11BP01 - 1985 model @ Toro but should be 1984
    1985 108-3 Rear Engine Rider model 33-08B301 [Have TIPL]
    1985 108-3 Rear Engine Rider model B3-08B302 [1981 @ Toro is wrong] - Export model 108-3e [Have TIPL]
    1985 108-5 Rear Engine Rider model 33-08B501 [Have TIPL]
    1985 108-R Rear Engine Rider model 33-08X301 [Have TIPL]
    1985 111-5 Rear Engine Rider model 33-11B501 [Have TIPL]
    1985 208-3 model 22-08B301 [Have IPL SM Wiring detailed]
    1985 211-3 model 22-11B301 [Have IPL SM]
    1985 211-3 model B2-11B301 - Export model [Have TIPL]
    1985 211-3e model B2-11B301 - Export model [Have TIPL]
    1985 211-5 model 22-11B501 [Have IPL SM Wiring detailed]
    1985 211-A model 22-11BE01 [Have IPL SM Wiring detailed]
    1985 216-3 model B2-16B301 - Export model [Have TIPL]
    1985 216-3e model B2-16B301 - Export model [Have TIPL]
    1985 216-5 model 22-16B501 [Have IPL SM Wiring detailed]
    1985 310-8 model 21-10K801 [Have wiring]
    1985 312-8 model 21-12K801 [Have wiring]
    1985 314-8 model 21-14K801 [Have wiring]
    1985 314-A model 21-14KE01 [Have wiring]
    1985 416-8 model 31-16K801 [Have wiring]
    1985 417-8 model 31-17K801
    1985 417-A model 31-17KE01
    1985 5018 Dixie Chopper ZRT model 08-18BE01



  2. Free

    Tractor 1990 210-H B&S D&A OM TIPL Wiring SN.pdf

    Operator manual #810652R1
    32 pages 2.95MB
    IPL from Toro Master Parts Viewer
    32 pages 2.17MB
    This ipl is shared by similar models so each item may have more than one part number but fails to identify what model uses what part.
    Original IPL #810687R1
    Transmission drive belt 114433 - (HA x 83.0" or 1/2" x 83")
    Lube chart SS

    Details & Attachments
    3 pages 115.20KB
    1990 210-H model 32-10BE01
    1990 serial numbers that have shown up for the 32-10BE01
    0013145 - Build date 1990 0089 March 30 Friday
    For B&S engine operator manual and IPL see
    For transmission service manual see
    For hydraulic service manual see



  3. Free

    Tractor 1990 416-8 OM Wiring Rev.pdf

    Color operator manual #810631R1
    31 pages 4.91MB
    This color scan prints a smaller image than the black and white scan
    B&W operator manual #810631R1
    32 pages 3.76MB
    This black and white scan will print larger image than color scan
    Wiring Color pdf
    1 page 556KB

    Note - The (+) and (-) on the voltmeter and hourmeter are reversed in the wiring diagrams
    Lube chart SS
    1990 416-8 model 31-16O802



  4. Free

    Tractor 1986 718-Z D&A TIPL SN.pdf

    IPL from Toro Master Parts Viewer
    27 pages 2.29MB
    Lube chart SS

    Details & Attachments
    2 pages 108.38KB

    50" mower deck
    Mower drive belt 109909 (1/2" x 117") Mower spindle belt 30203 replaced by 113625 (5/8" x 105.75") (Gates 6584BR 21/32" x 104-1/4" raw edge)
    Mower blade 30227 and 113579-09 replaced by 113579 (17" and 3 required) [Listed as model 81-18KE01 for 1986 in blade chart]

    1986 718-Z model Z1-18KE01

    1986 serial numbers that have shown up for the Z1-18KE01



  5. Free

    Tractor 1985 5018 Dixie Chopper D&A TIPL Wiring Rev sn.pdf

    IPL from Toro Master Parts Viewer
    20 pages 1.34MB
    Wiring color pdf
    1 page 541KB
    Engine splash lubrication system uses an electric pulse fuel pump to move engine oil to an oil filter and cooler.
    60105 filter may be a Dixie Chopper number - Kohler 12 050 01, Wix 51056, Wix 51215, Rotary 7916, Oregon 83-010, Stens 120-380
    Lube chart SS

    Details & Attachments
    2 pages 104.43KB
    Transmission drive belt 20256 - Gates replacement 6514BR (.66" x 41.125") - Toro IPL shows 40.8" length

    Mower drive belt 30202 (5/8" x 79.1")
    Mower spindle belt 30203 replaced by 113625 (5/8" x 105.75") (Gates 6584BR 21/32" x 104-1/4" raw edge)

    1985 5018 Dixie Chopper ZRT model 08-18BE01



  6. Free

    Tractor 1988 520-H Wiring Detailed Rev.pdf

    Detailed wiring from the Demystification Guide #492-4509 Color pdf
    7 pages 2.4MB
    p7-119 to p7-125
    1988 520-H model 31-20OE01



  7. Free

    Tractor 1989 212-5e Wiring Detailed Revised.pdf

    from 492-4509 Demystification Guide Color pdf
    5 pages 1.3MB
    p5-1 to p5-5 for B&S powered tractors
    Not correct for the following models
    The following Kawasaki powered tractors use a 6-wire voltage regulator

    1989 212-5 model E2-12K502 - Export model 212-5e
    1989 212-5 model R2-12K501 - Export model 212-5e
    1989 212-5 model S2-12K501 - Export model 212-5e



  8. Free

    Tractor 1990 520-H Wiring Detailed Rev.pdf

    Detailed wiring from the Demystification Guide #492-4509
    7 pages 2.22MB color pdf
    p7-105 to p7-111 from the 492-4509 Demystification Guide
    1990 520-H model 41-20OE01



  9. Free

    Tractor 1985 300-Series Wiring Detailed Rev.pdf

    Detailed wiring from the Demystification Guide #492-4509 Color Revised pdf
    4 pages 1.2MB
    p7-77 to p7-80
    Battery ignition and 3 amp unregulated charging system
    1985 310-8 model 21-10K801
    1985 312-8 model 21-12K801
    1985 314-8 model 21-14K801
    1985 314-A model 21-14KE01



  10. Free

    Tractor 1985 416-8 Wiring Detailed Rev.pdf

    Detailed wiring from the Demystification Guide #492-4509 Color Revised pdf
    4 pages 1.2MB
    p7-77 to p7-80
    Kohler K341S-71371 with battery ignition and 3 amp unregulated charging system
    Lights work off AC current from a second flywheel stator only when the engine is running
    1985 416-8 model 31-16K801



  11. Free

    Tractor 1988 300-Series 8-Speed D&A OM Wiring.pdf

    Operator manual #810473R1 is the 1987 manual - Correct manual is #810500R1 and we do not have it.
    35 pages 11.08MB

    IPL #810547R1 for all
    Part 1 of 3
    11 of 35 pages 3.96MB
    Cover - to - page 4

    Part 2 of 3
    12 of 35 pages 4.18MB
    Page 5 - to page 16

    Part 3 of 3
    13 of 35 pages 4.3MB
    Page 16 - to page 28
    Lube chart SS

    Details & Attachments
    3 pages 114.11KB
    1988 308-8 model 21-08K804

    Details & Attachments
    3 pages 116.57KB
    1988 310-8 model 21-10K805

    Details & Attachments
    3 pages 117.73KB
    1988 312-8 model 21-12K805



  12. Free

    Tractor 1989 310-8 Wiring Detailed Rev.pdf

    Early 1989 310-8 Wiring Detailed Color pdf - Engine must run for lights to work.
    3 amp charging system
    5 pages 1.6MB
    Wiring Detailed - 15 amp stator - Lights will work off the battery without the engine running. Color pdf
    5 pages 1.6MB
    p7-5 to p7-9
    1990 operator  manual diagrams show different wire colors for the low oil circuit.
    Conflicting info
    It is possible the early 1988 310-8 model 21-10K805 used the 1987 3 amp unregulated charging system up to Kohler engine serial 1715900013 (1987 production)
    It is possible the early 1989 310-8 model 21-10K806 used the 1987 3 amp unregulated charging system up to Kohler engine serial 1919902923 (1989 production)
    1989 310-8 model 21-10K806



  13. Free

    Tractor 1987 310-8 Wiring Detailed Rev.pdf

    3 amp charging system Color pdf
    5 pages 1.6MB
    Conflicting info
    It is possible the early 1988 310-8 model 21-10K805 used the 1987 3 amp unregulated charging system up to Kohler engine serial 1715900013 (1987 production)
    It is possible the early 1989 310-8 model 21-10K806 used the 1987 3 amp unregulated charging system up to Kohler engine serial 1919902923 (1989 production)
    1987 310-8 model 21-10K804



  14. Free

    Tractor 1988 310-8 Wiring Detailed Rev.pdf

    3 amp charging system Color pdf
    5 pages 1.6MB
    Conflicting info
    It is possible the early 1988 310-8 model 21-10K805 used the 1987 3 amp unregulated charging system up to Kohler engine serial 1715900013 (1987 production)
    It is possible the early 1989 310-8 model 21-10K806 used the 1987 3 amp unregulated charging system up to Kohler engine serial 1919902923 (1989 production)
    1988 310-8 model 21-10K805



  15. Free

    Tractor 1986 310-8 Wiring Revised.pdf

    Wiring from operator manual Color Revised pdf
    1 page 377KB
    310 with upgraded 15 amp stator Color pdf
    1 page 264KB
    Battery ignition and 3 amp unregulated charging system
    First year for low oil switch
    1986 310-8 model 21-10K802
    1986 310-8 model 21-10K803



  16. Free

    Tractor 1990 310-8 Wiring Detailed Rev.pdf

    Wiring Detailed - 15 amp stator - Lights will work off the battery without the engine running. Color pdf
    5 pages 1.6MB
    p7-5 to p7-9
    1990 operator manual diagrams show different wire colors for the low oil circuit.
    1990 310-8 model 31-10K801



  17. Free

    Tractor 1986 308-8 Wiring Detailed Revised.pdf

    Detailed Wiring from OM #810437R1 or #810437 R1
    Color Revised pdf 
    5 pages 1.38MB
    1986 308-8 model 21-08K801
    1986 308-8 model 21-08K802



  18. Free

    Tractor 1988 308-8 Wiring Detailed Rev.pdf

    Detailed wiring from the Demystification Guide #492-4509
    Revised color
    4 pages 1.2MB
    p7-1 to p7-4
    1988 308-8 model 21-08K804



  19. Free

    Tractor 1987 308-8 Wiring Detailed Rev.pdf

    Detailed wiring from the Demystification Guide #492-4509
    Revised color
    4 pages 1.2MB
    p7-1 to p7-4
    1987 308-8 model 21-08K803



  20. Free

    Tractor 1986 312 Wiring Detailed Rev.pdf

    Detailed wiring from the Demystification Guide #492-4509 Color pdf
    p7-45 to p7-49
    6 pages 1.9MB
    Battery ignition and 3 amp unregulated charging system
    First year for low oil switch
    1986 312-8 model 21-12K802
    1986 312-8 model 21-12K803
    1986 312-A model 21-12KE01
    1986 312-A model 21-12KE02



  21. Free

    Tractor 1987 112-C 5-Speed RER D&A TIPL sn.pdf

    IPL from Toro Master Parts Viewer
    53 pages 3.59MB
    This ipl is shared by similar models so each item may have more than one part number but fails to identify what model uses what part.
    Lube chart SS

    Details & Attachments
    2 pages 111.68KB
    Transmission drive belt 113303 - (HA x 34.0" or 1/2" x 34")

    Mower drive belt 112114 (1/2" x 40.4")
    Mower spindle belt 110420 replaced by 114567 (1/2" x 47.91")
    110397 and 111144 blade replaced by 112560 (3/4" center hole)

    1987 112-C 5-Speed model C3-12K501

    On the Belgium list



  22. Free

    Tractor 1988 112-C 5-Speed RER Wiring Detailed.pdf

    Detailed wiring from the Demystification Guide #492-4509
    4 pages 70.32KB
    p4-23 to p4-26 
    1988 112-C 5-Speed model C3-12K502



  23. Free

    Tractor 1988 112-C 5-Speed RER D&A IPL SM sn.pdf

    IPL - Listed at Toro but not correct for the 5-Speed
    36 pages 4.24MB
    Lube chart SS

    Details & Attachments
    2 pages 110.30KB
    Transmission drive belt 113303 - (HA x 34.0" or 1/2" x 34") - May not be correct

    Mower drive belt 112114 (1/2" x 40.4")
    Mower spindle belt 114567 (1/2" x 47.91")
    110397 and 111144 blade replaced by 112560 (3/4" center hole)

    1988 112-C 5-Speed model C3-12K502

    On the Belgium list



  24. Free

    Tractor 1990 312-8e D&A IPL sn.pdf

    IPL #899004
    102 pages 5.86MB
    On the Belgium list
    (Includes Kohler M12S-471527 and Onan IPL)
    IPL Part 1 of 3
    23 of 102 pages 1.45MB
    Sections 1-6 (Frame, 8-speed transmission, Front axle and steering, Clutch brake and speed control, Hitches, Lift linkage, Sheet metal and covers)
    IPL Part 2 of 3
    56 of 102 pages 3.08MB
    Sections 7-8 (Onan and Kohler engines)
    IPL Part 3 of 3
    23 of 102 pages 1.34MB
    Sections 9-12 (Electrical system, Wheels and tires, Drive belt and pulleys, Pto clutch and control, Seat and decals)
    Details & Attachments
    3 pages 120.20KB
    1990 312-8 model R1-12K802 - Export model 312-8e
    For tractor operator manual see
    - This is the North American OM
    ​For engine operator manual see
    For engine service manual see
    For transmission service manual see



  25. Free

    Tractor 1989 520-H Wiring Detailed Revised.pdf

    Detailed wiring from the Demystification Guide #492-4509 Color pdf
    7 pages 2.1MB
    p7-119 to p7-125
    1989 520-H model 31-20OE02



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