161 files
Switch Engine temperature Kohler 24 703 01 Kit .jpg
By gwest_ca-(File Mod)
Found on the crankshaft illustrated parts page for the 269-H model 72102.
In the parts list but not illustrated
Could be wired to the magneto ignition wire to shut of the ignition by grounding it with an over-heat condition.
Some of the 72102 tractor diagrams show a high temp light in the dash but no sensor at the engine. May be considered part of the Kohler wiring harness. When over-heated would provide a ground for the dash temperature light.
24 703 01 used on
1996-1998 269-H model 72102 with 6-bulb module with one being hot lamp
1997-1998 267-H model 72085 with 4-bulb module with no hot lamp
1997-1998 267-H model 72104 - Export model 267-He with 4-bulb module with no hot lamp
1999 268-H model 72086 with 4-bulb module with no hot lamp
1999 268-H model 72105 - Export model 268-He with 4-bulb module with no hot lamp
2000-2002 268-H model 72087 with 4-bulb module with no hot lamp
Regulator Rectifier Kohler Autopsy from OLD Redsquare forum.pdf
By CasualObserver
Regulator Rectifier repair tutorial by save_old_iron
91 pages and a good read by SOI
Regulator Rectifier Onan 20 amp .jpg
By gwest_ca-(File Mod)
Taken from #492-4509 Electrical Manual
NN10261, 57-9430 replaced by 117-2742 20 amp Onan Regulator/Rectifier
Gauge Voltmeter 1985-2007 Description List.jpg
By gwest_ca-(File Mod)
Taken from Demystification Guide #492-4761
Gauge Voltmeter 2002-2003 Description
82-12o502* - Correct
82 -12o502 - Not correct
82-12o502 - Suspicious and not checked or determined yet
110741 Voltmeter replaced by 117176 and used on
1985 models 21-10K801, 21-12K801, 21-14K801, 21-14KE01, 22-08B301, 22-11B301, 22-11B501, 22-11BE01, 22-16B501, 31-16K801, 31-17K801, 31-17KE01, 33-08B301, 33-08B501, 33-08X301, 33-11B501, B2-11B301, B2-16B301
1986 models 21-08K801, 21-08K802, 21-10K802, 21-10K803, 21-12K802, 21-12K803, 21-12KE01, 21-12KE02, 22-08B302, 22-11B302, 22-11B502, 22-12TE01, 31-14K801, 31-16K802, 31-17K802, 31-17KE02, 31-20KE01, 33-08B303, 33-08B502, 33-08X303, 33-11B502, B1-12R801, B3-08B303, B3-11B502, C1-12R801
1987 models 21-08K803, 21-10K804, 21-12K804, 21-12KE03, 31-14K802, 31-16K803, 31-18K801, 31-18KE01, 33-08B304, 33-08B401, 33-08B503, 33-11B503, 33-11B601, 41-18KE01, B2-11B392, B2-11B591, B2-16B591, B3-08B391, B3-11B591, C3-12K501
1988 models 21-08K804, 21-10K805, 21-12K805, 22-13KE01, 22-17KE01, 31-14K803, 31-16K804, 32-08B402, 32-11B402, 32-11BX02, 32-12K602, 33-08B402, 33-08B504, 33-11B602, B1-16O801, C3-12K502, E1-12K801, E2-13K501, E2-17K501, F2-09K401
1989 models 21-10K806, 21-12K806, 22-13KE02, 22-17KE02, 31-14K804, 31-16O801, 32-11B403, 32-12B501, 32-12BE01, 42-08B401, 42-11B501, B1-16O802, E1-12K802, E2-17K502
1990 models R1-12K801, R1-16O801, R2-17K501
1991 models 32-12B5A2, 32-12B5A3, 32-12BEA2, 32-12BEA3
117176 Voltmeter replaced 110741 and used on
1990 models 31-10K801, 31-12K801, 31-12KE01, 31-16O802, 32-10B501, 32-10BE01, 32-12O501, 32-12OE01, 32-16BE01, 41-16OE01, R1-12K802, R1-16O802, R2-17K502
1991 models 32-12O5A1, 32-12OE01, A2-12K501, A2-12KE02
113468 Voltmeter replaced by 79-0060 and used on
1988 models 31-16OE01, 31-18OE01, 31-20OE01*, C1-20OE01, E1-18OE01
1989 models 31-18OE02, 31-20OE02, C1-20OE02, E1-18OE02
1990 models 41-20O801, 41-20OE01, R1-18OE01, R1-18OE02
79-0060 Voltmeter replaced 113468 and used on - (Still available January 22, 2021)
1991 models 31-10K802, 31-12K802, 31-16O803, 51-12KE01, 51-16OE01
1992 models 31-10K803, 31-12K804, 31-16O804, 42-16BE01, 51-12KE02, 51-16OE02, R1-12K804, R1-16O804, R2-16BE01
1993 models 72081, 72101, 73380, 73400, 73401, 73420, 73421, 73440
1994 models 73380, 73400, 73401, 73420, 73421, 73440
1995 models 73400, 73401 x 3, 73420 x 3, 73421 x 2, 73440 x 2
1996 models 73400, 73401, 73402, 73403, 73420, 73421, 73423
1997 models 73402, 73403, 73422, 73423, 73441
1998 models 73448 x 2
1999 models 73429, 73449
2000 models 73429, 73449
2001 models 73429, 73449
2002 model 73450
2003 model 73450
2004 model 73450
2005 model 73450
2007 model 73450
Switch Ignition Magneto Keyed 102981 List.pdf
By gwest_ca-(File Mod)
Switch rotated to place single terminal at the top
1 page 95KB
Magneto ignition with electric start 102981 switch used on 2-0230 with a solenoid
(Threads 5/8"-32 switch)
5-terminal 3-position
Used on the model 2-0230 only. Switch listed in 1969-73 Lawn Ranger ipl
Switch also listed for the Dixie Chopper which is where the diagram came from. Diagram included to show how switch was used.
82-12o502* - Correct
82 -12o502 - Not correct
82-12o502 - Suspicious and not checked or determined yet
102981 Magneto ignition electric start switch used on
1970 model 1-8751
1971 models 2 -0200-6 for RS, 2-0210*-6 for ES
1972 models 2 -0201-7 for RS, 2-0211*-7 for ES (PSB301e shows 2-0200-7)
1973 models 2 -0220 for RS, 2-0230* for ES
1980 models 02-08BP01, 02-11BP02, 02-11BX01, 02-16BP01
1985 model 08-18BE01
1986 model Z1-18KE01
1987 models Z1-18KE02, Z1-20KE01
Switch Ignition Magneto Keyed 102820 List.jpg
By gwest_ca-(File Mod)
Magneto ignition with recoil start 102820 switch
(Threads 5/8"-32)
1 or 2-terminal 2-position
No illustration available
Used 1970-1977 and 1979
82-12o502* - Correct
82 -12o502 - Not correct
82-12o502 - Suspicious and not checked or determined yet
102820 Magneto ignition recoil start switch used on
1970 model 1-8751
1971 models 2-0200*-6 for RS, 2 -0210-6 for ES
1972 models Adding 2-0201*-7 for RS, 2 -0211-7 for ES (PSB301e shows 2-0200-7)
1973 models 2-0220* for RS, 2 -0230 for ES
1974 models 1 - 0280*, 1-0285*
1975 models 1-0281* for RS, 1-0282* for RS 1-0286, 1-0287* for RS
1976 models 61-07K801*, 61-07K802*, 61 - 08K801, 61 - 08K802, 61 - 08K803, 61 - 08K804
1977 model 71-07K801*
1978 models 0
1979 models 93-05BP01*, 93-05BP02*, 93-08XP02*
1980 models 03-05BP01*, 03-08XP01* - Also used switch 108757
1981 models 03-05BP02*, 03-08XP01* - Also used switch 108757
Switch Lights Rocker 113191 92-9844 107-9238 List.jpg
By gwest_ca-(File Mod)
Taken from the #492-4509 Electrical Manual
107-9238 replacement after tractor production
113191, 92-9844 replaced by 107-9238 rocker switch
82-12o502* - Correct
82 -12o502 - Not correct
82-12o502 - Suspicious and not checked or determined yet
113191 rocker light switch used on
1988 models 31-16OE01, 31-18OE01, 31-20OE01, C1-20OE01, E1-18OE01
1989 models 31-18OE02, 31-20OE02, C1-20OE02, E1-18OE02
1990 models 41-20O801, 41-20OE01, R1-18OE01, R1-18OE02
1991 model 41-20OE02, R1-20OE01*
1992 models 41-20OE03, R1-20OE02*
1993 models 73501, 73520
1994 models 73501, 73520
1995 models 73501 x 2, 73520 Early
92-9844 rocker light switch used on
1995 model 73501 x 2, 73520
1996 model 73501, 73502, 73521
1997 models 73502, 73521
107-9238 rocker light switch followed tractor production.
Gauge Tachometer 113467 78-0060 List.pdf
By gwest_ca-(File Mod)
From the Demystification Guide #492-4509
1 page 127.8KB
Page 3-10
Gage Tachometer 113467 113476 78-0060
Suspect the 113476 is a typo and should be 113467
113467 Tachometer used on - (replaced by 78-0060)
1988 models 31-16OE01, 31-18OE01, 31-20OE01, C1-20OE01
1989 models 31-18OE02, 31-20OE02, C1-20OE02
1990 models 41-20O801, 41-20OE01
78-0060 Tachometer used on
1991 models 41-20OE02, R1-20OE01*
1992 models 41-20OE03, R1-20OE02*
1993 models 73501, 73520
1994 models 73501, 73520
1995 models 73501 x 4, 73520 x 2
1996 models 73501, 73502, 73521
1997 models 73502, 73521
Mistake in 492-4509 manual - The 113476 and 78-0060 tachometer does not get it's signal on the grey wire from the B+ terminal of the voltage regulator. This is also incorrect on page 3-10 describing the tachometer's operation.
The grey wire comes from one of the regulator's AC terminals. If the tach will not work try the other AC terminal. Only one of them has a tach signal.
Gauge Hour Meter List.jpg
By gwest_ca-(File Mod)
Taken from Demystification Guide #492-4509
1 page 101KB
Gage Hourmeter
Taken from Demystification Guide #492-4761
Hour meter 2002-2003 description
Operating voltage 12 volts +/- 20% = 9.6 volts to 14.4 volts
82-12o502* - Correct
82 -12o502 - Not correct
82-12o502 - Suspicious and not checked or determined yet
103717 Round Hour Meter used on - (replaced by 108767)
1974 models 1-0480, 1-0485, 1-0490, 1-0495, 1-0510, 1-0611, 1-0630, 1-0650
1975 models 1-0481, 1-0491, 1-0612, 1-0631, 1-0651
1976 models 61-12KS01, 61-12KS02, 61-12KS03, 61-12KS04, 61-16KS01, 61-16KS02, 61-16KS03, 61-16KS04, 61-16OS01, 61-20KS01
1977 models 71-12KS01, 71-16KS01
105492 Round Hour Meter used on
1976 models 61-16OS02, 61-20KS02 - (replaced by 108767)
1979 models 8-2004 kit, 8-2006 kit
1980 model 8-2007 kit
1981 model 8-2007 kit
1982 model 8-2007 kit
1983 model 8-2007 kit
108767 Round Hour Meter used on
1982 model 01-19KE01
1984 model 01-19KE02
110918 Round Hour Meter used on - (replaced by 113469)
1985 model 8-2008 kit
110853 Round Hour Meter used on - (replaced by 113469)
1985 models 21-10K801, 21-12K801, 21-14K801, 21-14KE01, 22-08B301, 22-11B301, 22-11B501, 22-11BE01, 22-16B501, 31-16K801, 31-17K801, 31-17KE01, 33-08B301, 33-08B501, 33-08X301, 33-11B501, B2-11B301, B2-16B301
1986 models 21-08K801, 21-08K802, 21-10K802, 21-10K803, 21-12K802, 21-12K803, 21-12KE01, 21-12KE02, 22-08B302, 22-11B302, 22-11B502, 22-12TE01, 31-14K801, 31-16K802, 31-17K802, 31-17KE02, 31-20KE01, 33-08B303, 33-08B502, 33-08X303, 33-11B502, B3-08B303, B3-11B502
1987 models 21-08K803, 21-10K804, 21-12K804, 21-12KE03, 31-14K802, 31-16K803, 31-18K801, 31-18KE01, 32-08B501, 32-11B301, 32-11B401, 32-11B501, 32-11BX01, 32-12K601, 33-08B304, 33-08B401, 33-08B503, 33-11B503, 33-11B601, 41-18KE01, B2-11B392, B2-11B591, B2-16B591, B3-08B391, B3-11B591, C3-12K501
1988 models 21-08K804, 21-10K805, 21-12K805, 22-13KE01, 22-17KE01, 31-14K803, 31-16K804, 33-08B402, 33-08B504, 33-11B602, B1-16O801, C3-12K502, E1-12K801, E2-13K501, E2-17K501, F2-09K401
1989 models 22-13KE02, 22-17KE02
113469 Round Hour Meter used on - (Still available January 22, 2021)
1988 models 31-16OE01, 31-18OE01, 31-20OE01, C1-20OE01, F2-12K501, Z1-24OE01
1989 models 21-10K806, 21-12K806, 31-14K804, 31-16O801, 31-18OE02, 31-20OE02, 32-11B403, 32-12B501, 32-12BE01, 42-08B401, 42-11B501, B1-16O802, C1-20OE02, E1-12K802, E1-18OE02, E2-12K502, E2-12KE01, E2-17K502, R2-12K501, R2-12KE01, S2-12K501, Y1-16OE01, Z1-24OE02
1990 models 31-10K801, 31-12K801, 31-12KE01, 31-16O802, 32-10b501, 32-10BE01, 32-12O501, 32-12OE01, 32-16BE01, 41-16OE01, 41-20O801, 41-K501, R2-17K502, Y1-12OE01, Y20OE01, R1-12K801, R1-12K802, R1-16O801, R1-16O802, R1-18OE01, R1-18OE02, R2-17K501, R2-17K502, Y1-12OE01, Y1-16OE02, Z1-24OE03
1991 models 32-12O5A1, 32-12OEA1, 32-12B5A2, 32-12BEA2, A2-12K501, A2-12KE02, Z1-24OE04
12-9990 Round Hour Meter - (replaced by 66-2950) - Toro Groundsmaster used 1983-1991
12-8130 Round Hour Meter - (replaced by 66-2950) - Toro Groundsmaster used 1991-1992
30-3190 Round Hour Meter - (replaced by 66-2950) - No record of use
30-3200 Round Hour Meter - (replaced by 66-2950) - No record of use
66-2950 Round Hour Meter used on - (Still available January 22, 2021)
1989 models 55600, 55620
78-0020 Round Hour Meter used on - (replaced by 66-2950)
1991 models 31-10K802, 31-12K802, 31-16O803, 32-12B5A3, 32-12BEA3, 41-20OE02, 51-12KE01, 51-16OE01,R1-20OE01*, R2-12O501, R2-12OE01, Y1-12OE02, Y1-16OE03, Y1-20OE02
1992 models 31-10K803, 31-12K804, 31-16O804, 41-20OE03, 51-12KE02, 51-16OE02, R1-12K804, R1-16O804, R1-20OE02*, Y1-16OE04, Y1-16OEE4, Y1-20OE03, Z1-24OE05
1993 models 73320, 73380, 73400, 73401, 73420, 73421, 73440, 73501, 73520, 74021, 74041, 74101, 74140
1994 models 73362, 73380, 73400, 73401, 73420, 73421, 73440, 73501, 73520, 74021, 74041, 74101, 74120, 74140
1995 models 73362, 73400, 73401 x 3, 73420 x 3, 73421 x 2, 73440 x 2, 73501 x 4, 73520 x 2, 74021, 74101, 74120, 74140
1996 models 73362, 73400, 73401, 73420, 73421, 73501, 73502, 73521
1997 models 73502, 73521
94-3723 Round Hour Meter used on - (replaced by 66-2950)
1996 models 73363, 73402, 73403, 73423, 73502, 73521
1997 models 73363, 73402, 73403, 73422, 73423, 73441, 73502, 73521
92-6715 Rectangular Hour Meter used on - (replaced by 94-4208)
1994 models 72042, 72043, 72062, 72063, 72083, 72103
1995 models 72042 x 2, 72043 x 2, 72062 x 2, 72063 x 2, 72084, 72103 x 2
1996 models 72042, 72043, 72062, 72084
94-4208 Rectangular Hour Meter used on - (Still available January 22, 2021)
1996 models 72045, 72046, 72064, 72085, 72102, 72104, 72110
1997 models 72045, 72046, 72064, 72085, 72102, 72104, 72110
1998 models 72045 x 2, 72046 x 2, 72064 x 2, 72085 x 2, 72102 x 2, 72104 x 2, 72110 x 2, 73428, 73448 x 2, 73470, 73540, 73541, 73545, 73546, 73550, 73551, 73560
1999 models 72047, 72048, 72070, 72086, 72105, 72106, 72115, 73429, 73449, 73471, 73542, 73547, 73552, 73561, 73570, 73580, 73590
2000 models 72049, 72050, 72071, 72087, 72107, 72108, 72116, 73429, 73449, 73471 x 2, 73542 x 2, 73547 x 2, 73552, 73561 x 3, 73561SEI, 73570, 73580, 73590, 74590
2001 models 72051, 72052, 72072, 72087, 72107, 72108, 72116, 73429, 73449, 73471, 73542, 73547, 73561, 73580, 73590, 74590
2002 models 72051, 72052, 72072, 72087, 72107, 72108, 72116, 73450, 73542, 73561, 73570, 73590, 74590
2003 models 72107, 72116, 72200, 72201, 72202, 73450, 73542, 73561, 73570, 73590, 74590
2004 models 72200, 72201, 72202, 72211, 72212, 73450, 73542, 73561, 73590, 74590
2005 models 72200, 72201, 72202, 72211, 72212, 73450, 73561, 74590
2006 models 72211, 72212, 74591
2007 models 73450, 74592 x 2
2008 models 74592 x 2
2009 models 74592, 74593
2010 model 74593
2011 models 74593 x 2
Gauge Fuel Dash unit List.jpg
By gwest_ca-(File Mod)
Taken from #492-4761 Electrical manual
Gage Fuel 2002-2003 description
82-12o502* - Correct
82 -12o502 - Not correct
82-12o502 - Suspicious and not checked or determined yet
113466 Fuel Dash Gauge used on
1988 models 31-16OE01, 31-18OE01, 31-20OE01, C1-20OE01, E1-18OE01
1989 models 31-18OE02, 31-20OE02, C1-20OE02, E1-18OE02
1990 models 41-20O801, 41-20OE01, R1-18OE01, R1-18OE02
78-0040 Fuel Dash Gauge used on - (replaced by 95-3830)
1991 model 41-20OE02, R1-20OE01*
1992 models 41-20OE03, R1-20OE02*
1993 models 73501, 73520
1994 models 73501, 73520
1995 models 73501 x 4, 73520 x 2
1996 models 73501, 73502, 73521
1997 models 73502, 73521
95-3830 Fuel Dash Gauge used on
1998 models 73470, 73540, 73541, 73545, 73546, 73550, 73551, 73560
1999 models 73471, 73542, 73547, 73552, 73561, 73570, 73580, 73590
2000 models 73471 x 2, 73542 x 2, 73547 x 2, 73552, 73561 x 3, 73561SEI, 73570, 73580, 73590
2001 models 73471, 73542, 73547, 73561, 73580, 73590
2002 models 73542, 73561, 73570, 73590
2003 models 73542, 73561, 73570, 73590
2004 models 73542, 73561, 73590
2005 model 73561
Gauge Fuel Tank unit List.jpg
By gwest_ca-(File Mod)
From the Demystification Guide #492-4509
1 page 148KB
Posted by lynnmor November 8, 2020 for the 113358
I replaced my faulty sending unit with a Dorman 55818 in a 520H. The resistance specs are slightly different, but the unit can be used as is. By filing a small amount off the stops, I was able to fine tune the sending unit to the gauge. Be sure to look inside the tank and check for clearance between the float and the petcock screen, you might have to tweak the float arm just a bit. I made short pigtails with the proper ends to complete the wiring
82-12o502* - Correct
82 -12o502 - Not correct
82-12o502 - Suspicious and not checked or determined yet
113358 Fuel level sender used on - (No longer available)
1988 models 31-16OE01, 31-18OE01, 31-20OE01, C1-20OE01, E1-18OE01
1989 models 21-10K806, 21-12K806, 31-14K804, 31-16O801, 31-18OE02, 31-20OE02, B1-16O802, C1-20OE02, E1-12K802, E1-18OE02
1990 models 41-20O801, 41-20OE01, R1-12K801, R1-12K802, R1-16O801, R1-16O802, R1-18OE01, R1-18OE02
1991 model 41-20OE02, R1-20OE01*
1992 models 41-20OE03, R1-20OE02*
1993 models 73501, 73520
1994 models 73501, 73520
1995 models 73501 x 4, 73520 x 2
1996 models 73501, 73502, 73521
1997 models 73502, 73521
Switch Toggle Test 111346 List.jpg
By gwest_ca-(File Mod)
Taken from 1986 300-Series IPL SM Wiring
82-12o502* - Correct
82 -12o502 - Not correct
82-12o502 - Suspicious and not checked or determined yet
Indicator light test switch 111346 used on
1986 models 21 -08K801, 21 -08K802, 21-10K802*, 21-10K803*, 21 -12K802, 21 -12K803, 21 -12KE01, 21 -12KE02, 22-08B302, 22-11B302, 22-11B502, 22-12TE01, 31 -14K801, 31 -16K802, 31 -17K802, 31 -17KE02, 31 -20KE01
1987 models 21 -08K803, 21-10K804*, 21 -12K804, 21 -12KE03, 31 -14K802, 31 -16K803, 31 -18K801, 31 -18KE01, 32-11B301, 32-11B501, 41-18KE01, B2-11B392
1988 models 21 -08K804, 21-10K805*, 21 -12K805, 31 -14K803, 31 -16K804
1989 models 21-10K806*, 21 -12K806, 31 -14K804, 31 -16O801
Switch Neutral ball 28-4250 List.jpg
By gwest_ca-(File Mod)
Taken from #492-4509 Electrical Manual
28-4250 neutral ball switch used on
1977 models 57300, 57351
1978 models 57300, 57305, 57356, 57360
1979 models 57356, 57375
1980 models 57300, 57356, 57360, 57375
1981 models 57356, 57357
1982 models 56125, 57300, 57356, 57357, 57360
1983 models 56125, 56138, 56145, 56155, 57300, 57356, 57357, 57360
1984 models 56125, 56138, 56145, 56155
1985 models 56125, 56138, 56145, 56170
1986 models 56125, 56138, 56145, 56150, 56155, 56170
1987 models 56125, 56138, 56145, 56150, 56155, 56170
1988 models 56127, 56150, 56175
1989 models 55600, 55620, 56123, 56127, 56128, 56150, 56175
1990 models 55660, 55670, 56123, 56128, 56145, 56165, 56175
1991 models 56132, 56133, 56176, 56177, 56185, 56190, 56195
1992 models 56132, 56133, 56177, 56185, 56190, 56195
Switch Ball safety 101845 List.pdf
By gwest_ca-(File Mod)
101845 Ball safety switch NO=Normally open
9/16-18 threads on 102277 mounting nut
This switch has screw terminals
Used 1972-1981 & 1986
Later 105877 replaced by 38-0430 Ball switch NO=Normally open - Nail head terminals for a slide on Packard connector. Some illustrations show a switch with flat spade terminals.
82-12o502* - Correct
82 -12o502 - Not correct
82-12o502 - Suspicious and not checked or determined yet
101845 Ball switch used on
1972 models 1-0110, 1-0301, 1-0311, 1-0320, 1-0330, 1-0401, 1-0402, 1-0410,1-0422, 1-0423
1973 models 1-0120, 1-0130, 1-0340, 1-0350, 1-0355, 1-0360, 1-0365, 1-0370, 1-0430, 1-0435, 1-0440, 1-0460, 1-0465,1-0470, 1-0475, 1-0600, 1-0601, 1-0610, 1-0620
1974 models 1-0140, 1-0145, 1-0353, 1-0354, 1-0356, 1-0380, 1-0385, 1-0390, 1-0393, 1-0480, 1-0485, 1-0490, 1-0495, 1-0510, 1-0611, 1-0630, 1-0650, 2-4300
1975 models 1-0141, 1-0357, 1-0375, 1-0381(1)*, 1-0391(1)*, 1-0395(1)*, 1-0396, 1-0481(1)*, 1-0491(1)*, 1-0511,1-0612, 1-0631, 1-0651, 3-5001, 13-5000
1976 models 3-5002, 61-07K801, 61-07K802, 61-08K801, 61-08K802, 61-08K803, 61-08K804, 61-10K801, 61-10K802, 61-10K803, 61-10K804, 61-12K801, 61-12K802, 61-12K803, 61-12K804, 61-12KS01, 61-12KS02, 61-12KS04, 61-16K801, 61-16K802, 61-12K803, 61-12K804, 61-16KS01, 61-16KS02, 61-16KS04, 61-16OS01, 61-16OS02, 61-20KS01, 61-20KS02
1977 models 71-16OS01, 71-20KS01
1978 models 81-16OS01, 81-20KS01
1979 models 91-16OS01, 91-20KS01, 91-20KS02
1980 models 01-16OS01, 01-20KS00
1981 model 01-20KS00
1986 models 33-08B303, 33-08B502, 33-08X303, 33-11B502, B3-08B303, B3-11B502
Relay Start 116397 List.jpg
By gwest_ca-(File Mod)
116397 relay used 1989-1998 and replaces 116379 and 48-4700
116379 relay used 1992-1993 and most likely a typo for 116397
48-4700 relay used 1994-1998
106833 3-terminal relay replaced by a 5 terminal substitute in production because of a parts shortage.
These were replaced by SA121378 service assembly which was replaced by 99-5365 kit.
The 99-5365 kit contained a 48-4700 relay which has been replaced by 116397 relay.
116397 relay used on 1990 300-Series for the low oil starter circuit and 1990 200-Series, 400-Series and 500-Series as a starter relay.
Picture only jpg
1 page 10KB
82-12o502* - Correct and tractor series
82 -12o502 - Not correct
82-12o502 - Suspicious and not checked or determined yet
116397 Start relay used on
1989 model Y1 -16OE01
1990 models 31 -10K801, 31 -12K801, 31 -12KE01, 31-16O802*400, 32 -10B501, 32 -10BE01, 32-12O501*200, 32-12OE01*200, 32-16BE01, 41-16OE01*400, 41-20O801*500, 41-20OE01*500, R1 -12K802, R1-16O802*300, R1-18OE02*500, Y1-12OE01*Z, Y1-16OE02*Z, Z1-24OE03*Z
1991 models 22-14O501*200, 22-14OE01*200, 31 -10K802, 31 -12K802, 31-16O803*400, 32-10B502*200, 32-10BE02*200, 32-1205A1*200, 32-12OEA1*200, 32-12O502*200, 32-12OE02*200, 41-20OE02*500, 51 -12KE01, 51-16OE01*400, R2-12O501*200, R2-12OE01*200, S2-12B502*200, Y1-12OE02*Z, Y1-16OE03*Z, Y1-20OE02*Z, Z1-27OE04*Z
1992 models 22-14O502, 22-14OE02, 31-10K803, 31-10K804, 31-16O804, 32-10B503, 32-10BE03, 32-12O503, 32-10OE03, 41-20OE03, 42-16BE01, 51-12KE02, 51-16OE02, R1-12K804, R1-16O804, R1-20OE02*, R2-12O502, R2-12OE02, R2-16BE01, Y1-16OE04*Z, Y1-16OEE4*Z, Y1-20OE03*Z, Z1-24OE05*Z
------------------------------------------Models below may not use this start relay----------------------------------------------
1993 models 70040, 70042, 70060, 70080, 70120, 70140, 71140, 71180, 71181, 71200, 71202, 71203, 72040, 72041, 72060, 72081, 72101, 73320, 73380, 73400, 73401, 73420, 73421, 73440, 73501, 73520*, 74021, 74041, 74101, 74140
1994 models 71182, 71184, 71191, 71200, 71202, 71213, 72042, 72043, 72062, 72063, 72083, 72103, 73362, 73380, 73400, 73401, 73420, 73421, 73440, 73501, 73520, 74021, 74041, 74101, 74120
1995 models 71182, 71184 x 2, 71191 x 2, 71192, 71200, x 2, 71202, 71205, 71213 x 2, 71216, 72042 x 2, 72043 x 2, 72062 x 2, 72063 x 2, 72084, 72103 x 2, 73362, 73400, 73401 x 2, 73420 x 3, 73421 x 2, 73440 x 2, 73501 x 4, 73520 x 2, 74021, 74101, 74120
1996 models 70060, 70081, 70131, 70142, 70183, 71182, 71184, 71185, 71188, 71191, 71192, 71193, 71196, 71201, 71205, 71217, 71218, 72042, 72043, 72045, 72046, 72062, 72064, 72084, 72085, 72102, 72104, 72110, 73362, 73363, 73400, 73401, 73402, 73403, 73420, 73421, 73422, 73423, 73441, 73501, 73502, 73521
1997 models 70060, 70081, 70131, 70142, 70183, 71185, 71188, 71189, 71190, 71193, 71196, 71201, 71205, 71208, 71215, 71217, 71218, 71219, 72045, 72046, 72064, 72085, 72102, 72104, 72110, 73363, 73402, 73403, 73422, 73423, 73441, 73502, 73521
1998 models 70041, 70060, 70082, 70084, 71185, 71188, 71189, 71190, 71196, 71201, 71208, 71215, 71218, 71219, 72045, 72045, 72046 x 2, 72064 x 2, 72085 x 2, 72102 x 2, 72104 x 2, 72110 x 2, 73428 x 2, 73448 x 2
116379 Relay most likely a typo
1992 model R1-20OE02 (Original parts list shows 116397 so a typo was made somewhere)
1993 model 73520 (Original parts list shows 116397 so a typo was made somewhere)
48-4700 Relay used on
1994 models 70040, 70060, 70100, 70141, 74140
1995 models 70040, 70060, 70141, 70142, 74140
1996 model 70040
1997 model 70040 x 2
1998 model 70040
Relay Low oil 116397 List.jpg
By gwest_ca-(File Mod)
116397 relay used 1989-1998 and replaces 116379 and 48-4700
116379 relay used 1992-1993
48-4700 relay used 1994-1998
116397 relay used on 1990 300-Series for the low oil starter circuit and 1990 200-Series and 500-Series as a starter relay.
Picture only jpg
1 page 10KB
82-12o502* - Correct and tractor series
82 -12o502 - Not correct
82-12o502 - Suspicious and not checked or determined yet
116397 Low oil relay used on
1989 model Y1 -16OE01
1990 models 31-10K801*300, 31-12K801*300, 31-12KE01*300, 31 -16O802, 32 -10B501, 32 -10BE01, 32 -12O501, 32 -12OE01, 32 -16BE01, 41 -16OE01, 41 -20O801, 41 -20OE01, R1-12K802, R1 -16O802, R1 -18OE02, Y1 -12OE01, Y1 -16OE02, Z1 -24OE03
1991 models 22-14O501, 22-14OE01, 31-10K802, 31-12K802, 31-16O803, 32-10B502, 32-10BE02, 32-1205A1, 32-12OEA1, 32-12O502, 32-12OE02, 41-20OE02, 51-12KE01, 51-16OE01, R2-12O501, R2-12OE01, S2-12B502, Y1-12OE02, Y1-16OE03, Y1-20OE02, Z1-27OE04
1992 models 22-14O502, 22-14OE02, 31-10K803, 31-10K804, 31-16O804, 32-10B503, 32-10BE03, 32-12O503, 32-10OE03, 41-20OE03, 42-16BE01, 51-12KE02, 51-16OE02, R1-12K804, R1-16O804, R1-20OE02*, R2-12O502, R2-12OE02, R2-16BE01, Y1-16OE04, Y1-16OEE4, Y1-20OE03, Z1-24OE05
1993 models 70040, 70042, 70060, 70080, 70120, 70140, 71140, 71180, 71181, 71200, 71202, 71203, 72040, 72041, 72060, 72081, 72101, 73320, 73380, 73400, 73401, 73420, 73421, 73440, 73501, 73520*, 74021, 74041, 74101, 74140
1994 models 71182, 71184, 71191, 71200, 71202, 71213, 72042, 72043, 72062, 72063, 72083, 72103, 73362, 73380, 73400, 73401, 73420, 73421, 73440, 73501, 73520, 74021, 74041, 74101, 74120
1995 models 71182, 71184 x 2, 71191 x 2, 71192, 71200, x 2, 71202, 71205, 71213 x 2, 71216, 72042 x 2, 72043 x 2, 72062 x 2, 72063 x 2, 72084, 72103 x 2, 73362, 73400, 73401 x 2, 73420 x 3, 73421 x 2, 73440 x 2, 73501 x 4, 73520 x 2, 74021, 74101, 74120
1996 models 70060, 70081, 70131, 70142, 70183, 71182, 71184, 71185, 71188, 71191, 71192, 71193, 71196, 71201, 71205, 71217, 71218, 72042, 72043, 72045, 72046, 72062, 72064, 72084, 72085, 72102, 72104, 72110, 73362, 73363, 73400, 73401, 73402, 73403, 73420, 73421, 73422, 73423, 73441, 73501, 73502, 73521
1997 models 70060, 70081, 70131, 70142, 70183, 71185, 71188, 71189, 71190, 71193, 71196, 71201, 71205, 71208, 71215, 71217, 71218, 71219, 72045, 72046, 72064, 72085, 72102, 72104, 72110, 73363, 73402, 73403, 73422, 73423, 73441, 73502, 73521
1998 models 70041, 70060, 70082, 70084, 71185, 71188, 71189, 71190, 71196, 71201, 71208, 71215, 71218, 71219, 72045, 72045, 72046 x 2, 72064 x 2, 72085 x 2, 72102 x 2, 72104 x 2, 72110 x 2, 73428 x 2, 73448 x 2
116379 Relay used on
1992 model R1-20OE02 (Original parts list shows 116397 so a typo was made somewhere)
1993 model 73520 (Original parts list shows 116397 so a typo was made somewhere)
48-4700 Relay used on
1994 models 70040, 70060, 70100, 70141, 74140
1995 models 70040, 70060, 70141, 70142, 74140
1996 model 70040
1997 model 70040 x 2
1998 model 70040
Gauge Low fuel sender List.jpg
By gwest_ca-(File Mod)
Taken from #492-4761 Electrical Manual
94-1716 low fuel sender used on
1996 models 72102, 72110
1997 models 72102, 72110
1998 models 72102 x 2, 72110 x 2
1999 models 72106, 72115
2000 models 72108, 72116
2001 models 72108, 72116
2002 models 72108, 72116
2003 models 72116, 72202
2004 models 72202, 72212
2005 models 72202, 72212
2006 model 72212
99-1939 low fuel sender used on 523Dxi
1999 models 73552, 73590
2000 models 73552, 73590
2001 model 73590
2002 model 73590
2003 model 73590
2004 model 73590
Gauge Ammeter 1745 replaced by 102046 List.jpg
By gwest_ca-(File Mod)
Wheel Horse ammeter 1745 used 1961-1969
replaced by 102046 used 1973-1984
Screen shot
1 page 56KB
82-12o502* - Correct
82 -12o502 - Not correct
82-12o502 - Suspicious and not checked or determined yet
1745 Ammeter used on
1961 model 701
1962 models 32E Lawn Ranger, 552, 702
1963 models 33E Lawn Ranger, 653, 753
1964 models 854
1969 model 1-7441 GT-14
102046 Ammeter used on
1973 models 1-0340, 1-0350, 1-0355, 1-0360, 1-0365, 1-0370, 1-0430, 1-0435, 1-0440, 1-0460, 1-0465, 1-0470, 1-0475, 1-0600, 1-0601, 1-0610, 1-0620
1974 models 1-0353, 1-0354, 1-0356, 1-0380, 1-0385, 1-0390, 1-0480, 1-0485, 1-0490, 1-0495, 1-0510, 1-0611, 1-0630, 1-0650
1975 models 1-0357, 1-0375, 1-0381, 1-0391, 1-0395, 1-0396, 1-0481, 1-0491, 1-0511, 1-0612, 1-0631, 1-0651
1976 models 61-08K801, 61-08K802, 61-08K803, 61-08K804, 61-10K801, 61-10K802, 61-10K803, 61-10K804, 61-12K801, 61-12K802, 61-12K803, 61-12K804, 61-16K801, 61-16K802, 61-16K803, 61-12KS01, 61-12KS02, 61-12KS03, 61-12KS04, 61-16KS01, 61-16KS02, 61-16KS03, 61-16KS04, 61-16OS01, 61-16OS02, 61-20KS01, 61-20KS02
1977 models 71-08K801, 71-10K801, 71-12K801*, 71-16K801, 71-16K802, 71-12KS01, 71-12KS02, 71-16KS01, 71-16KS02, 71-16OS01, 71-20KS01
1978 models 81-08K801, 81-10K801, 81-12K801, 81-14K801, 81-16B81, 81-16K801, 81-12KS01, 81-14KS01, 81-16BS01, 81-16KS01, 81-16OS01, 81-20KS01,
1979 models 91-08K801, 91-08K802, 91-10K801, 91-10K802, 91-11B801, 91-12K801, 91-12K802, 91-14K801, 91-14K802, 91-16B801, 91-16B802, 91-16K801, 91-12KS01, 91-14KS01, 91-16BS01, 91-16BS02, 91-16KS01, 91-16OS01, 91-20KS01, 91-20KS02
1980 models 01-08K801, 01-10K801, 01-12K801, 01-14K801, 01-16K801, 01-17K801, 01-12KE01, 01-12KS01, 01-14KE01, 01-14KS01, 01-16KE01, 01-16KS01, 01-16OS01, 01-17KE01, 01-17KS02, 01-20KS00
1981 models 01-08K802, 01-10K802, 01-12K802, 01-14K802, 01-16K802, 01-17K802, 01-12KE02, 01-14KE02, 01-16KE02, 01-17KE01, 01-20KS00
1982 models 01-08K803, 01-10K803, 01-11BH01, 01-12K803, 01-16KH01*, 01-17K803, 01-14KE03, 01-17KE02, 01-19KE01
1983 models 11-08K801, 11-10K801, 11-12K801, 11-17K801, 01-14KE04, 01-17KE03
1984 models 11-10K802, 11-12K802, 11-16K801, 01-19KE02, 11-14KE01, 11-17KE01
Switch Lights Rocker 94-1742 List.jpg
By gwest_ca-(File Mod)
Taken from #492-4761 Electrical manual
Description and testing
82-12o502* - Correct
82 -12o502 - Not correct
82-12o502 - Suspicious and not checked or determined yet
Rocker light switch 94-1742 used on
1996 models 72102, 72110
1997 models 72102, 72110
1998 models 72102 x 2, 72110 x 2
1999 models 72106, 72115
2000 models 72108, 72116
2001 models 72108, 72116
2002 models 72108, 72116
2003 models 72116, 72202
2004 models 72202, 72212
2005 models 72202, 72212
2006 model 72212
Switch Test Rocker 116752 List.jpg
By gwest_ca-(File Mod)
Taken from #492-4509 Electrical Manual
82-12o502* - Correct
82 -12o502 - Not correct
82-12o502 - Suspicious and not checked or determined yet
116752 rocker test switch used on
1990 model Z1-24OE03
1991 model Z1-24OE04
1992 model Z1-24OE05
1993 model 74140
1994 model 74140
1995 model 74140
Regulator Rectifier Kohler 15 amp small KH10215
By gwest_ca-(File Mod)
Regulator Rectifier Small 15 amp
KH10215 replaced by 4140305 replaced by 2575503 replaced by 2575503S
Kohler 3-wire connector body 25 155 41-S
Switch Ignition Magneto Keyed 63-5630 replaced by 23-0660 List.jpg
By gwest_ca-(File Mod)
1 page 166KB from Demystification Guide #492-4509
Rotated switch to place single terminal at the top
1 page 142KB
How to troubleshoot
23-0660 switch for magneto ignition
5-terminal 3-position key switch
This switch requires a starter solenoid
Tractor Switch Ignition Magneto ignition with electric start 23-0660
(Threads 5/8"-32) 5-terminal switch replaces 63-5630
23-0660 5-terminal available 08/08 $23.53 from RCPW Stens replacement 430-538
Used 1974 thru 2007
Magneto ignition switch 63-5630 used on
1988 models 56138, 56145, 56150, 56175,
1989 models 56145, 56150, 56175
1990 models 56145, 56165, 56175
1991 models 56176, 56177, 56185, 56195
1992 models 56177, 56185, 56195
Magneto ignition switch 23-0660 used on
1988 models 21738, 38095, 38155, 38160, 57300, 57356, 57357, 57360
Switch Micro Pto Lever 110971 List.jpg
By gwest_ca-(File Mod)
110971 electric pto safety switch used on
1985 models 22-08B301, 22-11B301, 22-11B501, 22-11BE01, 22-16B501, B2-11B301, B2-16B301
1986 models 22-08B302, 22-11B302, 22-11B502, 22-12TE01
1987 models 32-11B301, 32-11B501, 33-08B304, 33-08B401, 33-08B503, 33-11B503, 33-11B601, B2-11B392, B2-11B591, B2-16B591, B3-08B391, B3-11B591, C3-12K501
1988 models 33-08B402, 33-08B504, 33-11B602, C3-12K502
Switch Seat push button 114240 replaced by 112418 List.jpg
By gwest_ca-(File Mod)
114240 seat switch replaced by 112418
($34.09 May 22, 2020)
White wire connector part number 111498 ($3.01 May 22, 2020) used with 114240 and 112418 switches.
Same as used with the 111332 pto switches.
82-12o502* - Correct
82 -12o502 - Not correct
82-12o502 - Suspicious and not checked or determined yet
112418 push-button seat switch used on
1987 models 21-08K803, 21-10K804, 21-12K804, 21-12KE03, 31-14K802, 31-16K803, 31-18K801, 31-18KE01, 32-08B501, 32-11B301, 32-11B401, 32-11B501, 32-11BX01, 32-12K601, 41-18KE01
112440 push-button seat switch used on
1988 models 21-08K804, 21-10K805, 21-12K805, 22-13KE01, 22-17KE01, 31-14K803, 31-16K804, 31-16OE01, 31-18OE01, 31-20OE01, 32-08B402, 32-11B402, 32-11BX02, 32-12K602, B1-16O801, C1-20OE01, E1-12K801, E1-18OE01, E2-09K401, E2-12K501, E2-13K501, E2-17K501, F2-09K401, F2-12K501, Z1-24OE01
1989 models 21-10K806, 21-12K806, 22-13KE02, 22-17KE02, 31-14K804, 31-16O801, 31-18OE02, 31-20OE02, 32-11B403, 32-12B501, 32-12BE01, 42-08B401, 42-11B501, B1-16O802, C1-20OE02, E1-12K802, E1-18OE02, E2-12K502, E2-12KE01, E2-17K502, R2-12K501, R2-12KE01, S2-12K501, Z1-24OE02
1990 models 31-10K801, 31-12K801, 31-12KE01, 31-16O802, 32-10B501, 32-10BE01, 32-12O501, 32-12OE01, 32-16BE01, 41-16OE01, 41-20O801, 41-20OE01, R1-12K801, R1-12K802, R1-16O801, R1-16O802, R1-18OE01, R1-18OE02, R2-17K501, R2-17K502
1991 models 31-10K802, 31-12K802, 31-16O803, 32-12O5A1, 32-12OEA1, 32-12B5A2, 32-12B5A3, 32-12BEA2, 32-12BEA3, 41-20OE02, 51-12KE01, 51-16OE01, A2-12K501, A2-12KE02
Switch Toggle 102138 List.jpg
By gwest_ca-(File Mod)
Taken from #492-4509 Electrical Manual
102138 shows up for 441 models but with shared parts lists they may not all have headlamps. Also used for electric pto clutch.
82-12o502* - Correct
82 -12o502 - Not correct
82-12o502 - Suspicious and not checked or determined yet
102138 toggle switch used on
1970 model 1-8755
1972 models 1-0301, 1-0311, 1-0320, 1-0330, 1-0401, 1-0402, 1-0410, 1-0422, 1-0423, 8-0813 light kit, 8-3521 electric pto kit
1973 models 1-0340, 1-0350, 1-0355, 1-0360, 1-0365, 1-0370, 1-0430, 1-0435, 1-0440, 1-0460, 1-0465, 1-0470, 1-0475, 1-0600, 1-0601, 1-0610, 1-0620, 8-0813 light kit, 8-3521 electric pto kit
1974 models 1-0353, 1-0354, 1-0356, 1-0380, 1-0385, 1-0390, 1-0393, 1-0480, 1-0485, 1-0490, 1-0495, 1-0510, 1-0611, 1-0630, 1-0650, 8-0814 light kit, 8-0820 light kit, 8-3521 electric pto kit
1975 models 1-0357, 1-0375, 1-0381, 1-0391, 1-0395, 1-0396, 1-0481, 1-0491, 1-0612, 1-0631, 1-0651, 8-0814 light kit, 8-0820 light kit
1976 models 61-07K801, 61-07K802, 61-08K801, 61-08K802, 61-08K803, 61-08K804, 61-10K801, 61-10K802, 61-10K803, 61-10K804, 61-12K801, 61-12K802, 61-12K803, 61-12K804, 61-12KS01, 61-12KS02, 61-12KS03, 61-12KS04, 61-16K801, 61-16K802, 61-16K803, 61-16K804, 61-16KS01, 61-16KS02, 61-16KS03, 61-16KS04, 61-16OS01, 61-16OS02, 61-20KS01, 61-20KS02, 62-08BP01, 62-10BP01, 8-0814 light kit, 8-0840 light kit
1977 models 71-07K801, 71-08K801, 71-10K801, 71-12K801, 71-12KS01, 71-12KS02, 71-16K801, 71-16K802, 71-16KS01, 71-16KS02, 71-16OS01, 71-20KS01, 72-08BP01, 72-10BP01, 8-0814 light kit
1978 models 8-0815 light kit, 81-08K801, 81-10K801, 81-12K801, 81-12KS01, 81-14K801, 81-14KS01, 81-16B801, 81-16BS01, 81-16K801, 81-16KS01, 81-16OS01, 81-20KS01, 82-08BP01, 82-11BP01
1979 models 8-0815 light kit, 91-08K801, 91-08K802, 91-10K801, 91-10K802,91-11b801, 91-12K801, 91-12K802, 91-12KS01, 91-14K801, 91-14K802, 91-14KS01, 91-16B801, 91-16B802, 91-16BS01, 91-16BS02, 91-16K801, 91-16KS01, 91-16OS01, 91-20KS01, 91-20KS02, 92-08BF01, 92-11BF01, 92-11BP01
1980 models 01-08K801, 01-10K801, 01-12K801, 01-12KE01, 01-12KS01, 01-14E801, 01-14K801, 01-14KE01, 01-14KS01, 01-16K801, 01-16KE01, 01-16KS01, 01-16OS01, 01-17K801, 01-17KE01, 01-17KS02, 01-20KS00, 02-08BP01, 02-11BP02, 02-11BX01, 02-16BP01, 8-0815 light kit
1981 models 01-08K802, 01-10K802, 01-11B804, 01-12K802, 01-12KE02, 01-14E801, 01-14K802, 01-14KE02, 01-16K802, 01-16KE02, 01-17K802, 01-17KE01, 01-20KS00, 02-08BP02, 02-08BP03, 02-11BP03, 02-11BP04, 02-11BX02, 02-11BX03, 02-16BP02, 02-16BP03, 8-0817 light kit
1982 models 01-08K803, 01-10K803, 01-11BH01, 01-12K803, 01-14E801, 01-14KE03, 01-16KH01, 01-17K803, 01-17KE02, 01-19KE01, 02-08BX01, 02-11BE01, 02-11BP05, 02-16BE01, 02-16BP04, 8-0817 light kit, A1-114201, A1-164201, A1-184801, A2-083201, A2-103201, A2-113701, A2-163701, A2-164201
1983 models 01-14E801, 01-14KE04, 01-17KE03, 11-08K801, 11-10K801, 11-12K801, 11-17K801, 12-11BE01, 12-11BP01, 12-16BE01, 12-16BP01, A1-114202, A1-164202, A2-083202, D1-184801, D2-113601, D2-113701, D2-163701
1984 models 01-19KE02, 11-10K802, 11-12K802, 11-14KE01, 11-16K801, 11-17KE01, 12-11BP02, 12-16BE02, A1-11B801, A1-16B801, A1-18BE01, A2-11BP01, A2-11BX01, A2-16BP01, B2-11BX91
1985 models 21-10K801, 21-12K801, 21-14K801, 21-14KE01, 22-08B301, 22-11B301, 22-11B501, 22-11BE01, 22-16B501, 31-16K801, 31-17K801, 31-17KE01, B2-11B301, B2-16B301
1986 models 21-08K801, 21-08K802, 21-10K802, 21-10K803, 21-12K802, 21-12K803, 21-12KE01, 21-12KE02, 22-08B302, 22-11B302, 22-11B502, 22-12TE01, 31-14K801, 31-16K802, 31-17K802, 31-17KE02, 31-20KE01, B1-12R801, C1-12R801
1987 models 21-08K803, 21-10K804, 21-12K804, 21-12KE03, 31-14K802, 31-16K803, 31-18K801, 31-18KE01, 32-11B301, 32-11B501, 41-18KE01, B2-11B392, B2-11B591, B2-16B591
1988 models 21-08K804, 21-10K805, 21-12K805, 22-13KE01, 22-12KE01, 31-14K803, 31-16K804, 32-08B402, 32-11B402, 32-11BX02, 32-12K602, B1-16O801, E1-12K801, E2-09K401, E2-13K501, E2-17K501, F2-09K401, F2-12K501
1989 models 21-10K806, 21-12K806, 22-13KE02, 22-17KE02, 31-14K804, 31-16O801, 32-11B403, 32-12B501, 32-12BE01, 42-08B401, 42-11B501, B1-16O802, E1-12K802, E2-12K502, E2-12KE01, E2-17K502, R2-12K501, R2-12KE01, S2-12K501
1990 models 31-10K801, 31-12K801, 31-12KE01, 31-16O802, 32-10B501, 32-10BE01, 32-12O501, 32-12OE01, 32-16BE01, 41-16OE01, R1-12K801, R1-12K802, R1-16O801, R1-16O802, R2-17K501, R2-17K502
1991 models 22-14O501, 22-14OE01, 31-10K802, 31-12K802, 31-16O803, 32-10B502, 32-10BE02, 32-12O5A1, 32-12OEA1, 32-12B5A2, 32-12B5A3, 32-12BEA2, 32-12BEA3, 32-12O502, 32-12OE02, 51-12KE01, 51-16OE01, A2-12K501, A2-12KE02, R2-12O501, R2-12OE01
1992 models 22-14O502, 22-14OE02, 31-10K803, 31-12K804, 31-16O804, 32-10B503, 32-10BE03, 32-12O503, 32-12OE03, 42-16BE01, 51-12KE02, 51-16OE02, R1-12K804, R1-16O804, R2-12O502, R2-12OE02, R2-16BE01
1993 models 72040, 72041, 72060, 72081, 72101, 73320, 73380, 73400, 73401, 73420, 73421, 73440
1994 models 73362, 73380, 73400, 73401, 73420, 73421, 73440
1995 models 73362, 73400, 73401 x 3, 73420 x 3, 73421 x 2, 73440 x 2
1996 models 73362, 73363, 73400, 73401, 73402, 73403, 73420, 73421, 73423
1997 models 73363, 73402, 73403, 73422, 73423, 73441