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  • WH, 62-11522 trans axle. 3 speed,1 rev. 1 inch shaft.

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    Hi and thanks for the add! I have a 62-11522 serial number wheel horse with a 3 speed and reverse with 1 inch shaft. Round hood and sharp fender with cast aluminum fuel tank. 1 inch shaft axles and 7hp k161 with electric start. It was yard art for 3 decades, yes, 30 years. I bought it here in Canada and found the trans axle housing to be cracked about 8 inches on both halves. When separating the 2 halves it became a full blown hole on 1 side so I brazed it back together....nasty. I got the engine running with little work surprisingly but carb was toast so replaced it. I am looking for another trans axle for it as I am not confident that I can get the housing to be leak free and not too competant that I will be able to reassemble it now. Some of the gears are also missing parts of the teeth and pitted badly. I am in Abbotsford British Columbia and would just be thrilled if someone has another complete transaxle or the housings...3900 and 3901 respectively. Close by is ideal...somebody have what I need? Thank you very much. Sincerely


    Ps I have a feeling it maybe a 753 but have no belt cover on right side (could use one) low profile battery box and hood decals painted over.

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    Will guess you have a 1962 model 702


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    Thank you sir. I was under the impression that the (5) in 752 was electric start which mine has.


    Here is the tractor by video sir.


    63 Wheel horse (youtube.com)


    I really could use a transaxle...uhg lol



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    My mistake, I now see the 702 had an electric start and my engine model number is 28626 which is close to the number on the file as 28622E! Correct sir?

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    Kohler did build the 28626 spec number for Wheel Horse and used in the 1963 model 753 according to Toro


    If your tractor was built late in the model year it is possible it got the engine available at the time. They can use just one engine because that is all that there is room for in the charts.

    1962 production would have ended well before October 1962 when the 1963 models were released.


    Click on the fuzzy picture for more.


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