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  • Wanted: 1972 Commando 800

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    Looking to find & BUY a very specific model that my grandfather owned when I was a kid. Fist tractor I learned to drive; 1972 Commando 800. I believe they all come with the Kohler motor and 4spd. Thank You. 

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    I have what is left of one  - the engine and steering wheel went to other tractors. It was a plow tractor all its life. Perhaps good for parts if you find a better one.... Was going to turn it into "Yard Art"





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    Thanks for the prompt response. Looking for something more complete, but I’ll keep this as a backup option if nothing else comes thru. 

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    I saw this very clean Commando 800 while watching the 2024 Wheelhorse Show on YouTube. Does anyone know these guys…and how I might get in touch? 



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      Weren’t those folks set up right across from you? Know who they are? 

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    On 12/3/2024 at 5:44 AM, Sparky said:


      Weren’t those folks set up right across from you? Know who they are? 

    They were down on the corner a bit further.

    I also have a Commando 800. Starts, runs and drives. It's almost complete except some toolbag cut off the right 3/4" rod foot rest to fit a plow handle. With 702bill's frame and his body parts, (they look better) one could easily put together a decent tractor by using the best parts from each one. I was planning to use it for building something custom but I'd part with it.

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    @wallfishthanks for the info and offer. I’m looking for something a bit more complete and finished. I’ll look a littke longer, as I’m in no rush. I’ll keep yours in mind if I decide to start a project build. 

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