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  • Backrest Buy or Swap

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    Probably a long shot but I've been looking for a factory backrest for my 854 sickle bar tractor. It's no problem if the metal bracket needs repainting but I'd like the back portion to be good. I will buy one or if it entices someone to part with theirs I have a batch of Kohler engine items I plan on selling in the spring. A K-341 and K-181, carburetors and a few other items. Just ask. Let me know what you have and a price or if you'd like to barter. Keep in mind that I'm in Indiana and I won't ship the engines. 

    What I'm looking for.


    A couple of Kohler K's.


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    I have one for ya Bob ... get out to the shop this AM get  get a pic. 

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    Posted (edited)

    8 minutes ago, WHX?? said:

    I have one for ya Bob ... get out to the shop this AM get  get a pic. 


    Cool! It's 0° here so it's gotta be colder up there. Don't freeze to death on the way out. 

    Edited by Racinbob
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    3 minutes ago, Racinbob said:

    0° here 

    -3 here but what's worst is only a high of 4 today and supposed to be like that all week. :sad: Then thers the wind chill


    Went out to start a fire and brought it in... I don't know if you are gonna want it cushion is not the best. I suppose it could be recovered. Mrs Buckrancher might be able to make one. or a upholstery shop??


     I picked it up at the BS from member Buzz. Put it on a 753 yard worker but didn't like swinging a leg over it since i am on and off the tractor bunches. 






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    The metal bracket is fine and the padded part is very usable. I had a hunch whatever I found the upholstery would need help. Last Friday I was taking my wife to Valpo and I passed a small shop and that got me started again on finding one.

    I hear you on the leg swing but that can't really be done with a sickle bar in the up position.

    What would it take to get that off your hands?

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    2 hours ago, Racinbob said:

    What would it take to get that off your hands?

    Now I have never used a four letter word starting with a F in my life... just ask Dan ...:lol: but for you and only you Bob  ... FREE


    True story here fellas  ... Back when I was a green horn and I mean really a know nothing about horses I had shifter problems. I posted my issue here and again never heard of a dog point. Next thing I know there was some in my mailbox from some guy from Florida I didn't even know. 

    Comes around goes around ... :)


    I can see about getting it in a flat rate box this week. I should hold it in front of you like a carrot to get you to come to @Pullstart's plow day to get it IF he ever sets a firm date and starts a thread... :angry-tappingfoot:


    If you can wait I plan on the BS this year. 

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    Posted (edited)

    Thanks Jim! I know it's a pain dealing with the dirt bags here. I sent you a PM.


    Also, what are the dimensions on that back? I'm already discussing getting it recovered. 

    Edited by Racinbob
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    I had one of those recovered on my 704 way back when. 



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    On 2/17/2025 at 2:16 PM, Racinbob said:

    I know it's a pain dealing with the dirt bags here. 




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    On 2/17/2025 at 1:16 PM, Racinbob said:

    it's a pain dealing with the dirt bags here.

    Yeah and now we got Squonky chiming in ... :ychain: ... least he got a :text-coolphotos:


    I could see it if one was on the tractor for an extended time like :chores-mowlawn:


    -6 out there today and -13 yesterday ... Good Lord I may move to FL! :)

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