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  • 312-8 electric lift

    Toby Stockman
    • Active

    looking for a whole electric lift kit for my 312-8 just cant bring myself to spend $600+ on ebay Thanks!

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    I just pulled one off a 312-8, what are you looking to spend? I'm undecided if I want to put on mine. I have cleaned and primed all pieces except the dash board. So new decals can be made. Switch works, but does not return to neutral in one direction. Includes all wiring. Located central Michigan. Adding some pics. Have video of it working before removal I can send you.




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    Toby Stockman


    looks like you have everything but the clutch rod does that come with it?

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     I thought it was the same as original and never removed it. But I will send with it. The deck lift is, (in pictures) I believe the same but can also ship that also. Added weight should not add to much to shipping cost. I was asking $300 plus shipping.

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    On 12/20/2024 at 7:06 AM, Schlarf1033 said:

    I just pulled one off a 312-8, what are you looking to spend? I'm undecided if I want to put on mine. I have cleaned and primed all pieces except the dash board. So new decals can be made. Switch works, but does not return to neutral in one direction. Includes all wiring. Located central Michigan. Adding some pics. Have video of it working before removal I can send you.




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