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  • Remains of a 518-H

    Handy Don
    • Closed
      Price: Free or $2*
      Location: Cortlandt, New York

    What’s left of a 518-H that I will never use. The tractor had about 500 hours when I realized the hydro had been abused and was a goner.

    It then became more valuable to us as parts that have been integrated into other projects (and some to keep other members’ tractors alive.) :)


    Potentially useful parts remaining:


    Front axle & axle pivot pin w/bolt

    Rear rims (8.5 x 12) with tires (one tubed, the other not; rubber is hard but not yet cracking; non-tubed tire has a couple of plugged leaks)

    (The transaxle without the hydro has a leaking seal and bad bearing on left side)

    Brake pedal, linkage, drum, and band.

    Lift lever limit bracket, arm, and knob (spinning freely!)

    Fuel tank with cap, sender for fuel gauge, and petcock (might need a new grommet)

    The implement lift arm moves with the rockshaft but I’ve made no attempt to remove the arms so they're probably pretty rust-welded onto the shaft.

    The “tunnel” is there along with some of the hydro linkage.

    (Tunnel removed, cut apart, and scrapped due to rust erosion. Lift handle, shaft, and arms are resisting efforts to separate them! Hydro linkage part have a new home.)

    The attach-a-matics are both on other tractors!


    * Free to members who’ve gifted a part to another member. Otherwise any part for $2. 

      I expect takers to use the parts themselves and not flip them.


    Local pickup for the larger items, but the smaller parts could be shipped at buyer’s expense.


    Has to move before the snow flies or else scrap metal.








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    Lots of good parts for someone.  Shame to scrap it.  I could use the hydro linkage in the tunnel if it's in good shape.  Someone always needs an axle shaft or hub.  Winters coming, and with it broken transmissions from plowing.

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    Handy Don


    10 hours ago, Bill D said:

    Lots of good parts for someone.  Shame to scrap it.  I could use the hydro linkage in the tunnel if it's in good shape.  Someone always needs an axle shaft or hub.  Winters coming, and with it broken transmissions from plowing.

    Good suggestions.

    Hmmm. I don’t have a good hub puller, but opening the transaxle would let me get the axles, hubs, and any good differential parts off for easier storage. Might be worth a couple of hours.

    Once the rain stops tomorrow I’ll go take a close picture of the linkage bits.

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