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  • Clevis Hitch - "sleeve hitch"

    Brockport Bill
    • Closed
      Price: 105
      Location: Poughkeepsie, Ny Area
      Contact: please send p.m.

    Clevis Hitch - "sleeve hitch" ---- near new, excellent condition -- used for various WH rear attachments -- eg: Brinly moldboard plow - or rear grader blades, etc - Believed to be Part # 8-5518 - available for cash pick up in Poughkeepsie, NY area, or buyer pays shipping. Sold as is, no returns. Suggest buyer confirm proper part for their tractor use. Please contact via personal message.

    wh clevis hitch.jpg

    wh clevis hitch 2.jpg


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    This is a Clevis hitch...a SLEEVE hitch is very different Bill...  


    John   :) 

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    Brockport Bill


    1 hour ago, johnnymag3 said:

    This is a Clevis hitch...a SLEEVE hitch is very different Bill...  


    John   :) 

    thanks John -- appreciate the clarification -- to me it is a Clevis -- however, before i posted it i made many "searches" across many site platforms and lots of people and sites interchange the words "clevis" or "sleeve" or even marry the two words discription together -- there are even various commentary here on RSQ  i found the words interchanged conversationally  -- so in my case I was not attempting to be technically correct but rather to sell something that others might be entering search words or maybe have a buying interest   -- therefore i intentionally posted both "names" in the title hoping a prospective buyer might trip over the post - thanks for the insight -- Bill

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