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  • 414-8
    • Closed
      Price: 500
      Location: Lannon Wi
      Contact: 262-893-5489 vintdoo@yahoo.com

    I have a c160 that was parked many years back due to a leak on the axle seal ,the engine turns over and has spark it fired off with a little spray.the gas tank grommet is cracked and will need to be replaced ,the seat is not to bad on it ,the hour meter showed around 850 hours if I recall correctly .the last owner was tall and raised the seat it comes with a mower deck,roto tiller ,and snow blade I just don't have the time to play with this tractor I hate to part it out  I think it has some go in it yet ..I would think about a trade on a stock pulling tractor or something in a older wheel horse to ride around at shows .but would prefer to sell out right .




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    price drop 500.00 firm I just looked it over and that's the point I feel it would worth more in parts to me ,looking to move it ,no more room here ....thanks

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