520 H tractor for Sale: Onan 20 HP engine ----- 678 hours on meter - cleaned and serviced, new plugs and fuel filter, new tranny oil and filter, new engine oil and filter, carb cleaned, just a few hours on near new Battery includes new lug on positive cable, cleaned grounding wire attachment point, added grounding wire, excellent near new condition Wheel Horse seat - tires good - chrome muffler screen shield - lites work....new headlite rims, new Tie Rods............... Also available For Sale is 48 inch re-conditioned mower deck for $425 - shell plus lift carriage assembly and belt covers, all sand blasted clean to remove all rust, then two coats primer and two coats final top coat paint. Mower blades cleaned, sharpened and balanced. Rollers and wheels good condition. Also available For Sale: 48 inch plow unit - complete frame with necessary parts, springs, angle control lever, etc. Plus, like new re-conditoned blade had rust cleaned, then two coats primer and two final top red coats, newly welded reinforced iron bottom plate, plus rust cleaned and re-habbed painted wear edge blade with new carriage bolts @ $290. Also available For Sale: Rear Axle Bracket for plow, tiller, etc set up @ $65: All items cash pick up Hudson River Valley, Poughkeepsie NY area.
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