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    417-8, 418-8 and various implements

    • Closed
      Price: 1500
      Location: Hartwick Ny
      Contact: Ok to text, call, or email 304-276-5003, j.rosenberger989@gmail.com

    Lets make a deal. The whole collection for $3000 or one tractor and half the items listed below for $1500. 

    I am moving to town so am willing to do a partial trade for a wheelhorse more approproiate for a suburban lot- lawn ranger, surburban models, bcs walking tractor, other?

    I could possibly deliver or meet half-way or ship.


    Both tractors run great and are in good working order. Second owner of both machines. I work with these machines everyday so they are not perfect but are, in my opinion, in excellent shape.

    42in high-shoot snow blower

    42 in rear discharge deck

    Snow blade

    Front mount deck hanger with 42in side discharge deck

    30in lawn seeder

    Brinly single bottom plow with cleavis or sleeve hitch

    50in grader blade

    Extra transmission

    36in rear tiller - leaks a little

    Full set of tire chains for each tractor

    Various body pieces

    7.5 cubic ft pull behind cart - may need tires

    Extra set of rims

    All required belts, pullys, brackets, manuals, too much to list. 










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