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    • Closed
      Price: $50
      Location: Andover Ct
      Contact: Tony 860-978-9039

    Found out the hard way that somebody installed a set of LEFT HAND DISCHARGE / CCW ROTATION blades on my 36" RD deck that uses standard CW rotation blades...

    They don't cut so good spinning backwards.... siggghhhhhhh


    These blades don't look like they have been sharpened at all since the factory did it... there are some nicks and rust but should clean up very well.

    I left my cell phone home but will post pics later.


    From what I have heard these D center hole 2 pin CCW blades are "rare"... that doesn;t meant there worth anything but maybe somebody needs them.

    I'm asking $50 as a new set is between $150 and $200 ridiculous dollars!! Or... I could use (trade for) a good set of standard D hole 2 pin CW rotation 36" RD blades.


    I'll ship as cheap as possible and will figure out cost after somebody tells me where there going.







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    A 3-blade set?


    CCW spindle rotation
    Fits Commando V7, Charger V7, Commando V8 and Charger V8

    8393 center blade and 8394 left and right blades replaced by 9819 3-blade kit (Hole 5/8in.x3/4in. Double-D)

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    Hi, yes a 3 blade set... I'll post pics later or email you direct if you'd like



    860-978-9039 (cell currently home... sorry)

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    I don't need the blades. Just posted the part numbers so it might help someone that does need them.

    • Thanks 2

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