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  • 1966 1056 8 Speed Custom, 36” RD deck

    • Closed
      Price: 450
      Location: Middleville, Mi (Or Big Show With Deposit In Advance)
      Contact: Pm

    I have this 1056.  I hate to get rid of it, but I am to the point I need to purge a few.  300 series muffler sounds and works well.  Starter/generator works well, engine runs great with no smoke, transmission feels great in all gears.  Good drive belt, runs and drives great.  The headlight/accesory wire on the S/G was broken when I got it, so I’ve never used lights.  Older paint job, I don’t know the history of that.  I’ve owned it since 2019 and it’s never let me down.  Other than maintenance, I think I’ve only put a starter/generator belt on it.  It has a little flutter while it runs, it’s always done it and I’ve never been bothered by it.  The seat has a couple rips, but is quite comfy.  Being stored indoors, I never found a better seat to replace it.

    It came with 6” front wheels originally.  I have not measured the spindles for a difference, but there are 8” wheels on it now.


    The 36” RD deck is ok.  It seems tight, could use some blade attention.  I used it to mow my trails in the field mainly, so I wasn’t ever concerned with anything but knocking down the masses.  The mowed area is from this machine.  You can see how tall the grass left and right is.  It was all this height.  


    I DO NOT KNOW CURRENTLY IF THERE IS ROOM TO HAUL THIS TO THE BIG SHOW!  If I can fit it, I’ll stick it in the buy/sell/trade thread.







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