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  • Pullstart
    • Closed
      Price: 800
      Location: Middleville, Mi Or Big Show With Deposit
      Contact: Respond to add or PM

    I may kick myself for this, but I think I’m ready to part ways with some tractors.  I can’t ride them all!


    It runs good, no smoke, shifts well.  I chose not to paint the hood or the repop belt guard.  Original shower head muffler.  K-91 engine.  Good gas tank and new fuel bowl from K&B Horse Parts.  If the cast seat is not desired I can put a normal seat back on.  It’s quite small!  The footrests and showerhead muffler go with it.


    Pick up in Michigan, or possible delivery to the Big Show in 2024.







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    Sometimes you just gotta let stuff go. I’ve been getting rid of my stuff for the past several years. It’s rather freeing not to be tied down and overwhelmed by stuff you will never use. All the best with your sale.

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    Hey Kev, just curious, do you know the date code on the tranny case? I was wondering how close it is to my birthday which would be a C9-9 code. :D It should be on the case near the shifter boot.

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    1 hour ago, Pullstart said:

    @cafoose I could pop the toolbox off and check it out when time allows.  :handgestures-thumbupright:


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    I figured it was a slim chance but you don't know if you don't ask. I was 9 months old almost 10 months :D

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    This is available to be hauled to the Big Show.  $800 as is.

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    On 11/10/2023 at 11:43 AM, cafoose said:

    I figured it was a slim chance but you don't know if you don't ask. I was 9 months old almost 10 months :D

    Just realized I was  6 1/2 weeks old :handgestures-thumbupright: D is April, not December :lol:


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    At this point in my life I would need a short term high interest loan :lol: Besides, I already have an RJ-59



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