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  • Tons of parts for sale

    • Active
      Price: 1
      Location: Ithaca Ny Area
      Contact: pm me for details

    1292471001_IMG_34561.jpg.a57488cc4446a9e3008bb231744ae9c1.jpgI had a ton of parts that I picked up yesterday, I am not looking for anything more than fair price on anything you need. You can come and fill a cart, make a good offer close the deal and walk away with 1 or all of what you see.. trying to get the pics listed but have the listed on the forum topic.. 


    would also be interested in trading for 180 Auto and D200 parts







    Tires and Wheels Large2.jpg

    Tires and Wheels Large.jpg

    502 belt guards.jpg

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    Can you check on the condition of the sidewalls on these? I'm just up the road a bit in Waterloo. I can come down sometime when my wife is available to stay with the dog. She's  not quite ready to be left alone. (Dog that is!) :helmet:


    I may be interested in some other stuff as well 






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    Do you have front rims for a rj58 and a steering wheel for it too 

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    If possible, you may want to convert the HEIC files on your computer to JPG using the snipping tool (see attached icon).  For some reason my iPhone 14 started to generate HEIC files instead of jpg when transferring pictures from the phone to my work computer. 


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    Posted (edited)

    Hi All,, I have only worked on a 416, 520 and now just digging into my first D. When it comes down to a ton of these older parts I'll need you to point out what you are looking at.. send me a pm with the item circled and we can start there..


    I am getting so many replies on these parts if I miss any and you don't hear back from me within a day please bug me again.



    Edited by S416-8

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