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  • Large XI Parts Sale, with Tractor or Parts

    • Active
      Price: Prices Listed in Ad
      Location: Cincinnati, Oh
      Contact: Brandon, PM Me.

    Everything is OBO and shipping not included. But I can work with shipping most items, using UPS, USPS or Fastenal depending on size and weight. If my prices are out of line, let me know. Its been a while since I've been parting things.


    Parts Available: 

    • XI 48" Snow Plow - $150
    • n1defan (Tom's) 2": receiver hitch with snow plow bracket- $200
    • n1defan designed 2" receiver weight adapter - $100
    • Reinforced 48" snow plow, designed to reduce bowing from the extra pressure of the XI weight, unpainted- $75
    • Bolens 50lbs rear tire weights - $200
    • XI transaxle and power steering setup, less than 300hrs on it - $750, possibly separate
    • XI Axles, very clean condition - $50
    • XI Hubs, very clean - $50
    • XI Dash and clear cover - $30
    • XI Spindles - $100
    • 48" deck parts, plus excellent deck shell. Should be 90%+ of the parts needed to build a nearly new deck. Collected from several parted decks over the years. $500
    • XI Grill, excellent condition - $100
    • XI grill, good, but cracked. Could be repaired. - $25
    • XI Headlight Assembly, no bulbs, good condition - $30



    Tractor for sale (or will sell for parts on a pre-sale basis once the largest parts are sold) - $2000:

    • Kohler 25HP EFI engine with oil cooler on the side of the shroud. 196 Hours. Hour meter under hood was installed with new engine.
    • very good condition 48" deck
    • headlights were separated from the key switch to a separate switch. LED headlights and taillights
    • Has larger battery installed, so the grill and battery hold down don't fit, but are included in case you want to switch back to a standard L&G battery. 
    • new billet PTO and a new engine to deck belt were installed this year. 
    • 12V light is on; there is a module that commonly fails on these, but it is charging well. 
    • Has Kenda K502 tires on the back and Vredestein V61 tires up front. Truly an amazing combination on these tractors
    • I have original footpads to go back on as well. 
    • Cruise control linkages were removed and smart steer has been deleted. 
    • 1000 hrs on tractor, many things replaced at 750hrs when I did a body-off cleaning and replaced the engine. 


    Here's a video from a few years back plowing snow: 




























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