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  • kpinnc
    • Active
      Price: $700 OBO
      Location: Concord Nc

    I didn't get a pic of the ID tag when I was there last, but I'll get back by there soon. This was Lance's @Red Horse primary mower for many years now. It was stored indoors from the day he got it. I know he had it since before 2007 when I first met him. Lance didn't restore his tractors, but he took very good care of them. He maintained them very well. 


    Everything works on it (even the voltmeter and hour meter), and it has no leaks. The volt pic below is with it running. It has 284 hours on it currently. It runs and drives great and doesn't smoke at all. The deck has no rust on it. 


    I will be happy to try and meet the buyer a reasonable distance (150 miles or so) from here, but I personally have no plans to go to the show this year. 












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    Nice! Mower belt is in the wrong position on the PTO, it should be in the one closest to the engine.:handgestures-thumbupright:

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    Brockport Bill


    2 hours ago, Blasterdad said:

    Nice! Mower belt is in the wrong position on the PTO, it should be in the one closest to the engine.:handgestures-thumbupright:

    I have actually noticed many times in photos that same issue of people having mule belt on wrong pto pulley and always wondered how many years has someone mowed with it like that?

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