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  • 300-400 Series Steering Shaft Covers

    • Active
      Price: $35
      Location: Columbus, In
      Contact: danielbaute@yahoo.com

    Wheel Horse Steering Shaft Tube Cover

    part numbers: 109163 , 113443 , 109529


    These are reproduction 3D printed steering shaft covers that fit most Wheel Horse 300 and 400 series tractors. These are currrently discontinued. These are 3D printed with PETG so they can handle the sun/rain, they are new items and are more rigid than oem. I’m selling two grades of covers I have a Matte finish carbon reinforced model for $35 and a gloss finish non reinforced for $30 price plus actual shipping, which is usually around $7-8. I will combine multiple parts for one order (shipping fee actual cost only). Items ready to ship now. Message me here or email me for purchase. I currently have many of these ready to go in both styles. I’m also planning to bring some to the Big Show in June (lord willing and the creek don’t rise) So try to message me a week or two before the show if you want one so I can make sure I bring enough and guarantee you get one as they will otherwise be first come first served. 


    I have verified these will fit pre Toro 308, 310, 312, 417, 418, 420-LSE, and Toro 315, 310, 312, 416 models. They measure approximately 6.5” on the shorter side. Please confirm your part number and dimensions before ordering. All orders placed by 9pm Sunday will be shipped out on Monday, shipments will be made weekly. These are made from PETG so they will handle sun, water and heat. They generally feel firmer than the later style solid molded original oem with the 3 internal fins and are worlds better than the thin plastic ones with multiple internal fins from the 80’s. These will still likely break if you strap your tractor down with a rope across the steering shaft so avoid doing that. 


    PayPal or Venmo accepted, good and services welcome but please add 3% for the fee.







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    On 2/6/2025 at 8:03 AM, Daniel Bailor said:

    Nice Work!

    Thanks! I'm pretty happy with how they turned out. 

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