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Karl's misc rants

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After leaving the hospital, the endless doctors appointments began. Primary concern was the facial fractures which needed to be surgically repaired before the bones fused incorrectly. Second is the damage to the nerves controlling my left eye. My eye was able to look right, but there was no signal to move my eye left which resulted in double vision. It was also the same side where my face was paralyzed so not only could it not move properly, the eyelid wouldn't close either.

After a 3 1/2 hour surgery, metal plates and screws placed in my face aligned the bones back to where they're supposed to be. The skull fractures were fusing perfectly, or close to it anyway. I still had considerable numbness on the right side where the surgery was, as well as swelling.

During the first month of recovery, I didn't notice much improvement. Still had double vision and even though the surgery was successful, the swelling and bruising made me look very poor. My facial paralysis was not improving and in fact, there is now a noticeable drooping on the left side due to the lack of muscle movement. Electrical stimulus tests showed that the nerve wasn't severed, but was damaged and recovery would be long. There was talk of decompression surgery, but the neurosurgeon didn't think that it would be as beneficial as they could have hoped.

The second month, I began to notice that my double vision was lessening. If I looked to the right, I could see a single image. This was terrific news because it meant that the nerve was healing and there's a strong likelihood that my vision will return to normal. Not much on the facial movement, but the swelling had gone down and I was beginning to look somewhat normal once again.

During the subsequent months, my vision was finally returned (month 4) swelling was gone (month 6) and my face was showing the beginning signs of moving once again. While still mostly paralyzed, there is not quite a bit of movement and best of all I can close my left eye. I wouldn't say that I can blink, but it is a significant improvement from before. While I am still not a good looking guy, if you didn't know that I was run over by a truck, you really couldn't tell by looking at me. There are some indications that I'm not quite right (visually :) ) but for the most part, I have regained muscle tone in my face.

I have a long way to go, measured in months to years, but I am alive and functioning. Every day I am feeling a little more like my old self and I am thrilled at the outlook.

That's all for now...

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I am very happy to hear you are doing well.

You were very lucky and now, determined to get through the recovery process.

Keep getting better and keep us updated.

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I don't know how you survived!  We are all thankful that you are still with us!

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Zipper Neck



Glad to here that I am not the only one who did not get the " you will be dead in four days" memo.

The don't call me Zipper Neck for nothing. My face is in 14 pieces and my skull is in six. 

  Don't believe anything they tell you, it worked for me.

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Wow I had no idea. Glad to hear things are getting better(even if it is just incrementaly) My thoughts and prayers are with you Karl. Merry Christmas to you and your family, Sincerely, Matt

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Wow, what a lot to go through!  Hope & pray you get back to 100% asap.  The play by play is painful to read, much less actually go through!

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Karl you are a survivor. I am so happy to know you are well on your way to a sucessful recovery. Although we met only once, just that brief encounter left me with the feeling that I had crossed paths with a good man that day. You and your family are in my prayers, and I wish you all a very Merry Christmas.


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Karl, being a member from only July of 13, and sitting here I am one also who has not known of your plight. Don't know how I ended here to be inspired and thankful for things I easily overlook. I'm extremely

amazed that you can continue and am absolutely sure that others are also. Illinois wishes you and all - strength in your recovery. Baby steps at a time.


jackhammer - Rick

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Karl ... new guy here, just catching up on my reading.  Amazing story, and impressive recovery.  Hope you are continuing the progress.  Please let us know when  enough time has past so that we can start with the "that's using your head" jokes!! lol BTW, great site!!!!!

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I visit Redsquare countless times each week & i have only just noticed that you have done this blog Karl .

I am delighted that things are getting back to normal for you now, it could have quite easily been a different story .


Thank the lord that we have good doctors & the Emergency services  waiting  to help us when we get ourselves  into trouble .

Amen .

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phillip scott



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