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Wheel Horse Trailer?

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A Wheel Horse trailer came up for sale in Iowa.  It appears to be from when they made snow mobiles.  I was just wondering if this was considered rare or desirable.  It seems to have a tilting mechanism, and it looks like it would be a convenient way to transport a Wheel Horse.

wh trailer 2.jpg

Wheel horse trailer ?.jpg

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Ed Kennell

Looks rare to me...and in good condition.  Buy it quick.

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One of a kind, never saw one like it. 



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You'll be the only kid on the block to have one of those. Grab it quick!

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That's great news!  I am going to offer a few K for it!




Sounds like you guys have seen a few of these!

If it was local, I would buy it....  I just need a trailer and they are always surprisingly expensive.

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:ph34r: cross the border and pick that up ! I don't think a few k maybe few hundred ? That would be the perfect hauler either behind your truck or tractor.

Edited by ACman
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It was made by Snowco.  They sold trailers through dealers, like Wheel Horse and John Deere, back in the late 60s, early 70s.  Here are some info on them:


Also, Jason may have some info on them from Wheel Horse perspective.




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wow nice trailer grab it fast good trailer are hard to find, I know that for sure

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A thread on one here:


Do a search for Snowco here and several threads will pop up.

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You guys have me confused.  I am a member of another forum where sarcasm can be pretty thick, and all the guys roll with it when it starts.  

My initial reaction was that you guys were trolling my question a little bit, but... now I wonder if everyone was perfectly sincere!


Either way.  This is a great forum, and I probably can't get the trailer because of distance and too many toddlers!

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Snowco trailers are somewhat desirable and somewhat rare.  I would love to have one myself, but newer trailers are probably more efficient, since tilt trailers aren't the best for hauling stuff.  If you don't load them correctly, they will fish tail to the point of being dangerous.  But, Snowcos are cool and I would still love to have one.

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With the bar across the front and the perforated metal in the center, the trailer was undoubtedly for snowmobile use.  If you buy the trailer, you need to get a Wheel Horse snowmobile for on it.


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  On 9/20/2016 at 12:39 PM, jellyghost said:

You guys have me confused.  I am a member of another forum where sarcasm can be pretty thick, and all the guys roll with it when it starts.  

My initial reaction was that you guys were trolling my question a little bit, but... now I wonder if everyone was perfectly sincere!


Either way.  This is a great forum, and I probably can't get the trailer because of distance and too many toddlers!


You may find a sarcasm laden post every once in a while but it is usually filled with smileys. This one is genuine! I was nervous when you said a few K because I though YOU were serious! Its rare but not THAT rare. :lol:

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I think the problem many would have is that it is just too small to haul very many horses to a show! :) I do think it is pretty cool, 

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  On 9/20/2016 at 1:15 PM, wrightorchid said:

haul very many horses to a show!

True but would be perfect for midnight rustles :ph34r: or just to run the C-101 over to gramma's for a quick cut! I would give a couple of hundred for it.

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I agree, I can see a few uses for it, and small enough to pull behind the horse as needed.


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@jellyghost I've seen it listed for a few weeks. If I had a place to get it out of the weather, I'd have already bought it.  Yes, it's an actual Wheel Horse trailer, and yes as has been stated, they were made by SnowCo just badged with Wheel Horse model numbers. There were only two trailers they did this with, and yes they were the snowmobile trailers. They were only listed in the Snowmobile Accessories brochure.  Regular SnowCo trailers were available in the Allied Attachment catalogs, just like all other brands.  


These are pretty rare. There have been a few of these single place models found over the years, and I was fortunate enough to have previously owned the only two place trailer that's been known to be found. It has since found a new home with another collector.


It is not made to haul much more than a snowmobile. The single place trailer only has a capacity of 600 lbs, and is very lightweight at only 180 lbs itself, and the deck is made of a light gauge sheet metal and flexes quite a bit with a load. If you're looking for a multi-use utility trailer, I'd seek elsewhere. If you want this as a collector piece... go for it!




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Ed Kennell

Anyone in Iowa wanna buy it for resale at the big show next year,  I'll pay $300 delivered to the show.

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  On 9/20/2016 at 1:05 PM, lynnmor said:

With the bar across the front and the perforated metal in the center, the trailer was undoubtedly for snowmobile use.  If you buy the trailer, you need to get a Wheel Horse snowmobile for on it.



 I just saw a :wh:snowmobile , forsale here in the mitten ! :silence: 

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I have a Snowco that I haven't posted on Craigs yet. These were built to haul small tractors and snowmobiles. You know, from back in the day when we had that stuff called snow here. It's big feature is how low it sits. My C-81 does not actually fit as the opening is too narrow. But I ride over the edge and use it anyway. Axle is bent from when my friend? Tommie hauled a motor on it WITH the tranny. Axle is just an over-bent piece of sheet metal. I'm gonna strengthen it by welding a piece of pipe inside the bend. Double capacity! Replace the bearings.  My neighbor, Lee Harvey, is gonna have a fit!!


Edited by mystery_enigma
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Matt just had one for sale in the classifieds here...


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