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Spark plug cross reference

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Will a champion RS17YX sparkplug work in my Onan p220g engine gapped at .025? What's the difference between that and the RH14YC?

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Save Old Iron

the reach inside the head, hex nut size, heat range and electrode construction all differ- maybe even the seat angle.


will it spark? yes


hopefully it will not kiss the piston or place the spark in the wrong place in the combustion chamber.


check on the Champion website for compatibility within its own product line - or play it safe and use the recommended or equivalent plug - check the plugs side by side to make sure there are not any gross differences in dimensions.


google is your friend as I believe Champion publishes a "decoder" chart for plug #'s

the search function on this site should also tell you if others have used this substitute successfully. be prepared for a diversity of opinions similar to oil, paint and gasoline comparisons!!





Edited by Save Old Iron
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The RS17YX was OEM as far as i can tell on the Performer engines (P216, P218, P220 that are used in our tractors) and is the recommended plug.  Search 'RS17YX' on the forum, plenty of info and good reading........

Edited by Martin
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I had this same dilemma 608, The plugs the PO had in were completely wrong. Ended up putting in the RS17 with no problems. If I am not mistaken the RH14 is a gasket base and the RS17 is a tapered.


Link to my thread if it helps


I am going to pull them after a couple of run hours and check the color

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Terry M

I was surprised that even my local Hardware store and small engine shop have up to date cross reference books for spark plugs.   Much easier though through the internet or here on RS .

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5 hours ago, Martin said:

Search 'RS17YX' on the forum

Thanks for the tip Martin ...sounds like that's the plug all of our brethren use with good results... it does have a very thin electrode which is suposed to be platinum. I got a pair at NAPA and I think the counter guy said that champ's 990 is the same plug in non platinum.

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I looked at a champion spark plug chart last night and couldn't find RH14YC plug. That's the plug the manual suggests. My Toro/WH in Arlington dealer gave me the RS17YX plug. The length is the same as the RH14YC plug. I will set the gap at .025. The current plug was RV17YC which is to short. the gap is off quite a bit too. The plug looks carboned up also.  I went to Farm N Fleet. I could not find any RH14YC plugs. I took the plugs out of 2 of my 520H's and those plugs are RS14YC. I replaced those when I bought the tractors. I think I bought those plugs from a Toro dealer in Madison. I looked at the chart while at Farm n Fleet. I didn't see any RH14YC plugs. I'm thinking the RS14YC or RS17YX plug is a compatible replacement. I have no idea what each letter and number means. Maybe someone could enlighten me.

Edited by 608KEB

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here you go......




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608 and club

the RS 14 YC  is the plug that onan used

for the B43E, B43G B48G and the P series until sometime into the nineteen nineties.

then they went to the RS 17 YX .  ( this plug has a different, smaller center electrode )

in my opinion use which ever you want.

thank you. boomer ( the used onan engine parts guy, also NOS and new )


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4 hours ago, 608KEB said:

I looked at a champion spark plug chart last night and couldn't find RH14YC plug. That's the plug the manual suggests. My Toro/WH in Arlington dealer gave me the RS17YX plug.



Which manual were you looking at? I looked through the Performer manuals i have and can't find any reference to Champion numbers. 

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The spark plug reference book was in Farm n Fleet. I'm really not sure. I'll check it out today.

Edited by 608KEB

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I was thinking that maybe you seen those numbers in an Onan or WH manual.

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Operator's Manual



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Just went and searched some of the WH operator's manuals in the files section. far as i can tell by what manuals are uploaded they recommended the RH14YC pre 94-95 and the later manuals have the RS17YX. Boomer mentioned above that Onan started using the later plug in the mid 1990s so that makes sense. For the life of me i couldn't find anything mentioning that earlier plug in the Onan or WH manuals that i have. Then I seen your post above and started to search again in the forum files and there it was!!

Boomer mentioned that either plug is ok, just use what you want. All the Performer engines i have here all use the later plug. Ive only ever had the later plug in mine and that works for me.

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@Martin     Do you happen to have that chart in a pdf you could send me? Would be handy to have taped to the side of the tool chest. Tryed to copy it off your post but real fuzzy..

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I don't see how a H and S type of plug can be interchanged without damage to the plug seat surface.

Notice Boomer listed two S type of plugs with one being RS14YC

 I wonder if the manual using the RH14YC is a typo?

Both are 14mm but the S shows a tapered seat and these do not normally use a gasket. 

The H type will use a gasket.



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7 hours ago, WHX6 said:

@Martin     Do you happen to have that chart in a pdf you could send me? Would be handy to have taped to the side of the tool chest. Tryed to copy it off your post but real fuzzy..


No pdf of that chart, but here is a different one from a 2010 Champion catalog. Interesting info in that catalog. I will try and upload it to the files......



Screen Shot 2015-12-11 at 9.57.10 PM.png

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19 hours ago, Martin said:

Just went and searched some of the WH operator's manuals in the files section. far as i can tell by what manuals are uploaded they recommended the RH14YC pre 94-95 and the later manuals have the RS17YX. Boomer mentioned above that Onan started using the later plug in the mid 1990s so that makes sense. For the life of me i couldn't find anything mentioning that earlier plug in the Onan or WH manuals that i have. Then I seen your post above and started to search again in the forum files and there it was!!

Boomer mentioned that either plug is ok, just use what you want. All the Performer engines i have here all use the later plug. Ive only ever had the later plug in mine and that works for me.


I'm convinced now the RH14YC shown in the above 3315-395EN manual is not correct.

I looked at many manuals and see the illustrated parts list for the models listed in this manual show the correct RS14YC. They list a NN10252 which has been replaced by 57-9340 and when you go to Partstree the photo is of a NGK TR5 2238 which is a tapered seat plug.

A closer look reveals the mistake is in the operator manuals for the exported tractor models only.


Can someone with an Onan verify the plug has a tapered seat?

Will go into the file descriptions an add a note of the mistake if this is in fact true.




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My 95 520H manual says RS14YC.

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The RH is a typo. The Onan Performers used in our tractors are a tapered seat. The correct plug should be RS. The WH manuals are a great tool and reference for our maintenance  and restoration or whatever regarding these tractors but this is just another case where a typo can lead to confusion and wrong information. In a case such as this, a secondary reference such as the Onan Service Manual and/or great sources of info such as Boomer are great to have. JD also have their version of an Onan engine service manual which is also a great reference tool.

I have engine manuals for all the different engines in my Wheelhorses and refer to them first when wanting information. The big Kohler manuals are also an invaluable information source for those engines. All the engine manufacturers have them so they get first use.


So yes, the Onan Performer engines (P216, P218 and P220) use a tapered seat plug.



Edited by Martin
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It's interesting you should bring that up Garry and maybe someone who has ever pulled a head can verify this. When looking down into the plug threads it appears that the head is machined for a ring seal but yet is tapered down into the threads suitable for a tapered plug seat so one would think either style could be used. A measurment of the thread length indicates a plug reach of .708 which the RS17YX has. The  RH14 has a reach of 3/4" (.750) which is close.

This is whats in my 520 right now 


I'm with Boomer on this one that either plug could be used. After reading the searches here on RS17 it seems most engines run better on the RS17. 


Do they have the RS17 at FF 608? I am going to pick up a pair if so and try them just to see. They have them at NAPA..for $8 bucks a piece tho.



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1 hour ago, WHX6 said:

It's interesting you should bring that up Garry and maybe someone who has ever pulled a head can verify this. When looking down into the plug threads it appears that the head is machined for a ring seal but yet is tapered down into the threads suitable for a tapered plug seat so one would think either style could be used. A measurment of the thread length indicates a plug reach of .708 which the RS17YX has. The  RH14 has a reach of 3/4" (.750) which is close.

This is whats in my 520 right now 


I'm with Boomer on this one that either plug could be used. After reading the searches here on RS17 it seems most engines run better on the RS17. 


Do they have the RS17 at FF 608? I am going to pick up a pair if so and try them just to see. They have them at NAPA..for $8 bucks a piece tho.




Jim, its important here to make sure that we are comparing the RS14 to RS17 and not the RH14. Do I understand from your post that you have the RH installed right now or is it the RS? You have a pic of the RS. The RS14 and RS17 would have the same thread length, the RH14 would be shorter.

I just went and looked at a spare head, while i agree that it looks machined for a washer plug, i don't think i would use one as i don't think there is enough 'flat' to seal against and that the step might interfere with the outside of the washer. I looked through all my auto junk to try and find a 14mm washer plug to try, but couldn't find one and therefore can't determine if there is a sealing issue.......






Also, the best way I've found to buy the RS17YX plug is to buy them like this on eBay. I think i paid $10.00 for both boxes of 4.....

Just checked eBay and there are 4 packs for $11-$13. much better than $8.00 each.




Edited by Martin
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Heres the installed RS17YX in the head from both sides. 




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17 hours ago, gwest_ca said:

I don't see how a H and S type of plug can be interchanged without damage to the plug seat surface.

Notice Boomer listed two S type of plugs with one being RS14YC

 I wonder if the manual using the RH14YC is a typo?

Both are 14mm but the S shows a tapered seat and these do not normally use a gasket. 

The H type will use a gasket.




Just looking at one of the Champion catalogs and the H and S are totally different animals. 13/16 hex compared to 5/8, washer vs tapered seat and no where near the same length either. From my pic above of the S style plug installed in the head there doesn't seem to be a way that the H would ever be a candidate here? The tip wouldn't make it to the combustion chamber enough for decent firing of the cylinder........



Screen Shot 2015-12-12 at 10.29.04 AM.png

Edited by Martin
changed the gibberish to make some sort of sense
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My bad Martin...RS14 is correct, typo on my part.  :wacko: The plug is the photo is what was put in when the engine was built i believe. With the low hrs on this tractor I don't think a PO would have had a reason to change them.


Getting back to the seal type on a Snapper 1855 tractor I have at my place up north which has a P220G  in it and a PO had autolite plugs in it that were a very short reach, 1/2" or less, that had a ring seal. This tractor has blown alot of snow with these plugs with no problems till one day it had a funny noise. Turns out one of these plugs had blown right out of it's threads and it was turned into a one lunger. A search on the net and here quickly told me these weren't the right plugs.

After a trip to NAPAfor the 8 dollar variety RS17 and a 14MM  tap to chase threads all was well. The Onan in this tractor is mounted 90 deg. from WH'S so plugs are easy to get at. Now looking at your pic it's a wonder how these plugs made it run at all with the way that head has that plug well. Also to add confusion to my easily confused brain a Onan manual that came with the Snapper made reference to a Champion R8 replacement and other online sources indicated that some Onans (B48M and others) used a short reach plug. 


Thanks for the tip on where to buy, I do like to support the locals but ther comes a time when enough is enough. The 14MM tap was cheaper than the plugs!

Edited by WHX6
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