Foozerush 40 #1 Posted April 2, 2012 Hi all.... Here is my new toy '95 416-8 i got in january, $150 cash and traded $50 in fixing his wifes van's headlights. Picked it up and started to do all the tune-up, fix up to get her ready to do the mowing duties.... Clutch pedal does not spring back..... have to "lift" it with the top of my foot to go..... there is a spring that is on mine... doesnt look stock.. per how there is no dirt on it (before a power washer bath). Its no where on the TORO master parts viewer....any help from anyone would be appreciated. ALSO a big thanks to can whlvr and BOWTIE for helping me with a question a couple months ago about the oil light.... it stopped blinking... for some reason... Here are some pics.. the morning after i picked her up... 5 inches of snow. Here is spring in question... Before Bath... Bath Time...Clean..... Hope the pics post for everyone to enjoy... Red Square addict I have become..... 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pfrederi 18,233 #2 Posted April 2, 2012 Spring Clutch return 108035 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WH854 44 #3 Posted April 2, 2012 Check this out Idon't think that spring is an OEM part, it should be what is called a (ASSY-GAS SPRING) P/N 78-3240. Hope this works! Number 53 is what it looks like Chas Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WH854 44 #4 Posted April 2, 2012 BTW You do have an 8 speed don"t you I used Model # 73420 Chas Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Foozerush 40 #5 Posted April 2, 2012 Thanks for replys guys.... Stopped by a Toro dealer, to discover the spring/shock is $89.00 and they have to order it. Ummm think I'm gonna shop around for it, or maybe someone has a used one they will part with..... Pfred is that part number for the spring itself? Or is it for that shock assbly? Thanks.... Now I can widen my fence to get it in my back yard.... And yes my 416 is way too big for my yard but tired of my rear engine simplicity 3110. Can't wait to mow with her... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
leeave96 488 #6 Posted April 2, 2012 Forget the gas spring and convert it to a coil spring like was used on older Wheelhorse tractors. I had the gas spring on my 314-8 when I bought the tractor new and after a few years, I got the same symptoms as you. If you look on the LH side web on the transaxle, there is a little hole - for the spring. I don't know what the part number is - hopefully someone can chime-in on it. BTW, that tractor really cleans-up nice. Good luck, Bill Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WH854 44 #7 Posted April 2, 2012 Forget the gas spring and convert it to a coil spring like was used on older Wheelhorse tractors. I had the gas spring on my 314-8 when I bought the tractor new and after a few years, I got the same symptoms as you. If you look on the LH side web on the transaxle, there is a little hole - for the spring. I don't know what the part number is - hopefully someone can chime-in on it. BTW, that tractor really cleans-up nice. Good luck, Bill Spring Clutch return 108035 pfrederi is correct on spring Good suggestion leevave96 Chas Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
boovuc 1,090 #8 Posted April 2, 2012 Those gas springs can be troublesome with gumming up and sticking on occasion. Find a C-series spring and it will work fine. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Duff 206 #9 Posted April 3, 2012 Maybe I'm missing something here, but if the suspect spring is the one pictured above as "question", it appears to be properly placed. My guess (?) is that it is a weaker spring than belongs there, or it has lost some of its "oomph" with time, OR the clutch linkage is binding somewhere. The shaft that passes through the frame from the pedal side to the tensioner pulley is not easy to lubricate. All three of the ones I've taken apart when rebuilding my 312's have been rusted and dry - another of the (few!) design flaws on these tractors. It is also possible your main drive belt has stretched and the clutch doesn;t have enough travel to properly tension the belt. Like others have said, I'd stay away from the gas spring thing - I've taken them off all my tractors and good riddance! Just some food for thought...advice from others, please? Duff :thumbs: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Foozerush 40 #10 Posted April 3, 2012 Hey Duff.... that spring totally looks stock to me, little ear on axel housing to factory hole on that swivel point on clutch where spring attaches to both ends... but look at last pic and see clutch petal all the way down, thinking that spring has lost its "oomph" like you said, I drove to 3 places looking for a replacement spring so I can take off the shock thingy that isnt doing its job... but no luck.....I'll find something something to make it an old school coil spring like Leeave96 suggested... so tomorrow I'll go get a new drive belt and see if there is any binding in the linkage when i take off that shock thingy..... Thanks for the input all..... will check back in to keep ya updated....... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
can whlvr 993 #11 Posted April 3, 2012 if the gas shock is still on and the spring,take the gas on off and see if the clutch pedal works better,the gas shock could be holding the pedal down Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tgranthamfd 29 #12 Posted April 3, 2012 Here is another one from a few days ago, I think it may have some part numbers listed. It was about a 300 series, but the same issues you are having with the gas shock thing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Duff 206 #13 Posted April 4, 2012 Hey Duff.... that spring totally looks stock to me, little ear on axel housing to factory hole on that swivel point on clutch where spring attaches to both ends... but look at last pic and see clutch petal all the way down, thinking that spring has lost its "oomph" like you said, I drove to 3 places looking for a replacement spring so I can take off the shock thingy that isnt doing its job... but no luck.....I'll find something something to make it an old school coil spring like Leeave96 suggested... so tomorrow I'll go get a new drive belt and see if there is any binding in the linkage when i take off that shock thingy..... Thanks for the input all..... will check back in to keep ya updated....... Fooze, good call on the clutch pedal being down - I didn't catch that, and now that I look closer at the spring, it does appear to be under tension and it is installed properly. Don may be right - the gas shock may have frozen and be holding the pedal down. You can remove it without replacing the spring, just be careful when you loosen it up something doesn't suddenly snap and grab you! I'd tie down the clutch pedal while removing the gas spring thingy, which is essentially useless except to slow down how fast you let the clutch out (to prevent wheelies!). Either way, I'd replace the clutch spring just to be on the safe side. If it's been stretched for a long time it has probably lost some strength. Paul's part #108035 should be right for your tractor - it was the common clutch return srping for most of the 300- and 400 series 8-speed machines. It's only $4.93 from Jack's Small Engines; I'm sure other suppliers can get it as well. I'd still check the lubrication on the cross shaft no matter what. Watching for how you make out! Duff :thumbs: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Foozerush 40 #14 Posted April 9, 2012 Update: Ordered spring from Jacks... be couple days but I will post pics of repair and removal of said gas shock part. Thanks everyone with help with my Horse. Thanks pfrederi for Part number!! Thanks tgranthamfd for thread on same problem... canwhlvr... I thought of doing that, but just ordered spring and gonna eliminate shock alltogether. Thanks for giving feed back!! Duff...I will check the lube/condition of cross shaft when I tear her apart and take pics to post... Thanks!! P.S. I did take apart fence and got her in my back yard and mowed.. and gave my 12 yr old son some seat time showing him how to safely operate this Horse. (clutch petal was tricky with him) being his only experience is on our rear engine simplicity. Thanks Red Square!!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
can whlvr 993 #15 Posted April 9, 2012 sorry for bad typing foozerush,thats exactly what i meant,get rid of it,even when they work they dont feel right as they let the clutch out slowly Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ree1man 2 #16 Posted April 9, 2012 Foozerush, I have had trouble with the gas spring on my 314-8, and recently ordered a coil spring for it to eliminate the gas thing to,thanks to leeave96 advice, have not gotten it yet to try it out, but sure it will do the job better that a strut looking thing that will eventually go out again, It is p/n 108035, mine cost $10, but alot better than the cost of that strut spring, looked at my tractor before ordering it, and looks like it will go in there very well ! I cut 1 acre of grass recently, and just rigged the clutch pedal with a bungy cord, it worked great, till i get that spring !!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Foozerush 40 #17 Posted April 10, 2012 Heya ree1man,,,, Yep i'm waiting on new spring in mail to fix mine also.... but didnt keep me from mowing either.... just pulled pedal up with my foot to go.... but it was worth it to get some seat time!!.... 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hydro 131 #18 Posted April 10, 2012 3116K804Here is what was used in a 1988 416-8. It works well but you have to get the feel of the clutch. My son did a bit of a Wheelie in 3rd gear. Unfortunately these added safety devices are intended to take the place of common sense. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Twohorses 2 #19 Posted August 13, 2013 Same problem with the gas spring on my 312-8. I just ordered the 108035 from the local dealer and will give it a try this weekend. Only question is do I have to remove the gas spring since it is on the other side of the transmission? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Foozerush 40 #20 Posted August 13, 2013 No... I left the gas shock on. It will take you 2 seconds to install the spring, one side put on the clutch petal linkage ( there is a hole there ) and the other on the tab with a hole on the axel. Just remember to let off the clutch slowly with spring installed or you might pop a wheelie if in a high gear.... Good luck!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Twohorses 2 #21 Posted August 21, 2013 Thanks Fooze: The spring arrived and it was a very easy installation (vice grips on the spring are a must). Also leaving the gas shock on keeps the clutch a little more behaved. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Foozerush 40 #22 Posted August 21, 2013 Good to hear!! Glad I could help and give all the experts a break!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rgdorman 1 #23 Posted April 25, 2019 Foozerush — I also have a 314-8, but my P/N is 103628 - Spring Extension. I bought it, but I’m not sure where it hook it up as there isn’t one there. Any help?? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ebinmaine 70,063 #24 Posted April 25, 2019 1 hour ago, Rgdorman said: Foozerush — I also have a 314-8, but my P/N is 103628 - Spring Extension. I bought it, but I’m not sure where it hook it up as there isn’t one there. Any help?? Hey, welcome to Redsquare! Somebody should be along soon to be able to help you out but I don't have any newer models so I'm not familiar with how they are set up. Feel free to setup your own thread with your own question. This post is an old inactive one. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rgdorman 1 #25 Posted April 25, 2019 I got it figured it out with the help here. Clutch now works. I have to get used to it - pulled a couple of small wheelies !! 😊 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites